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O2 sales man cheated me and O2 does not give it a f***

Two years ago, on 24 October 2016, I made a mistake to purchase O2 sim with contract at [o2 Shop], Munich. I did not know that I am signing a contract which could not be cancelled it latter (O2 sales man at store made sure not to tell me about it). But I paid price for my ignorance. The primary SIM card which was purchased was 01xx xx xx xx 23. O2 sales man also gave me another sim card (01xx xxxxxx70) which he said is free. But now I have come to know that I have been cheated by that O2 sales man and he sold me two sim contracts instead of 1. I also came to to know that I have been paying 7.99 euros monthly (which has been already deducting from my account due to to SEPA mandate) for the second sim and will have to pay for the second sim another year because I was supposed to cancel it separately. But I did not purchase this sim card separately. This is the O2 agent who cheated me just because he might be given some incentives to sell connections and o2 employees don’t care if they have to cheat or conceal information while selling connections. I visited the mentioned O2 shop recently and the guy told me that it was a mistake of behalf of O2 that I was issued 2 sim contract (instead of one) but I have to pay it for the second also another year. I mean this is blatant shameless answer. Why should I pay for a contract which I did not buy? Please note that I did come to the before mentioned O2 store shop 2 days after signing the contract to cancel the contract but your employees rudely denied me.

Now I write you to:

1- Do you think it is a cheating (don’t tell me it was a mistake) by your colleague while selling me sim contracts. He gave me one SIM card but in real he issued two sim cards. Is it not also a misuse of SEPA mandate

2- In case you also choose to be stubborn and say it was right then I will turn to legal channel to make it right.

3- In case you consider it wrong to cheat me (which I am 99% sure you will not)


1- I need money back which I paid for 2 years for second SIM.

2- Cancel the second connection immediately.

3- Take action that colleague of you for cheating and concealing information.

4- Write clearly on your shops that contracts cannot be canceled once signed and convey this information to foreigners coming new to Germany.

5- Tell your employees to convey information with honesty and don’t conceal or distort information when selling sims to customers.

Finally, Let me make you a suggestion to start O2 helpline in English. I appreciate your love for German language but then you should not also sell sim cards to English speakers. Don’t you think it is hypocrisy that you speak English when you want to sell and then later you turn back saying “sorry we cannot help you in English”.

redit: phone numbers and addresses anonymized since this is a public forum. @o2_Jan]
Dear @Khuram ,

I am sorry to hear that you've had such an unfortunate experience at one of our stores.

I have sent you a direct message via our @o2_support account regarding this matter.

Best regards,

Hi @Khuram,

I have sent a private message from o2_Support to you.

Loving greetings,

dear Khuram,

you received a letter by post from our customer service. I hope your concern is solved with this.

kind regards,


Dear @Khuram ,

I am sorry to hear that you've had such an unfortunate experience at one of our stores.

I have sent you a direct message via our @o2_support account regarding this matter.

Best regards,

Am cheated in a same fashion 

Am cheated in a same fashion 

Mods zur Info mehrfach fraud | O₂ Community (

Hello @Faki ,

as you have already opened a thread, please stay within it with your issue. We’ll continue talking over there.


Kind regards, Sven

Dear @Khuram ,

I am sorry to hear that you've had such an unfortunate experience at one of our stores.

I have sent you a direct message via our @o2_support account regarding this matter.

Best regards,

Am cheated in a same fashion 


Hello @heisen12,

thank you for your contribution.
Could you elaborate a bit more on what exactly happened to you and how we can support you in some way?

Kind regards

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