Warum O2

wifi connected but no internet - can you help?

Every time I switch-on the computer, internet does not work

I need to restart the router every time

after restarting the router everything is fine ... however, this should not be needed in principle as other devices at home (e.g. tablet) work fine.

Then I realized that I can do this faster, without needing to restart the router

I know disable and enable again the wifi with the router button

the router is the o2 router I was given when upgrading to 50Mbs

The router model is "o2 Box 6431" in case it helps

The PC runs with Windows 10 and the wifi card is TP-Link TL-WDN4800

any help so that I can have internet in the PC right away?

Thank you

4 Antworten

in addition, from time to time, we cannot receive landline calls

I've discovered that if I push the button in the router to switch off the wifi and push again until the wifi light is green again, I don't need to restart the router and the computer manages to connect

help please

does anyone know how long it takes to get some help in the forum?

Benutzerebene 7
Is the win10 PC the only client with connection problems?



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