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Warum O2

Hello, I have a very large very over due bill that I am trying to pay off on a payment plan. When I call the English hotline they said you have to speak German. When I get my German friends to call the regular line they say you have to wait until your phone is cut off?

 When i go into a store they say call the hotline. I am still waiting with no answers please help the bill is only getting larger. How can I begin to pay this off on a payment plan please?

You need to speak to the billing department. Ask a German friend to call the hotline on Monday and ask to be transferred.

Hi @A D Smith 

bs0 is absolutely right. Here via community we cant arrange a payment plan for your over due bill, in this special case please call our customer service hotline on monday with a german speaking friend. 

Best Regards Matze 

Hi Both @bs0 @o2_Matze 


My German friend did this, he spoke to the billing department and they said to wait….. I can’t deal with the ring around its been ongoing for over a month now 😪

Hi @A D Smith,
I can well imagine that you want to reach an agreement on the payment of the arrears as soon as possible. 
As soon as your connection(s) is/are blocked due to late payment, an installment payment is possible. Arrange this by phone with our colleagues. 
Transfer the amounts you are able to by this date. 
Remember to pay the monthly bill, which will not be debited during the payment delay and also during the installment payment. 
The connection(s) will be automatically reactivated after the complete outstanding amount has been paid and you are free at any time to transfer more than the agreed installment amount + new invoice or the complete remaining amount or to pay it in cash in one of our o2 stores.
I hope I was able to help you a bit.

Kind regards

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