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Warum O2

Hello. Thank you for this community. 


I am currently using the old Home and it has gone from slow to slower. I would like to upgrade to the new router/modem. I have checked and my address appear to be good for either DSL or LTE.


I don't know which would be better at this address as I don't think the LTE signal is very good.


If LTE I would like to upgrade to

O my Home S


O my Home M2


o2 HomeSpot 5G'

Continue my 24 month contract

Thank You

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from o2 MY Home Vertrag&Tarife to English o2 Community mobile

Hey @Kingharvest,

Do I understand correctly that you currently already have a myHome contract? Or do you have a DSL contract?  :)


Hey @Kingharvest,

do you need any further help 🙂?


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