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Warum O2

I extended my contract, but the first bill is different compared to the contract that I agreed to, as according to the concluded contract, I have to pay 48.98, and I have a copy of the contract sent to me via e-mail, and now I see that the bill is 49.25, and this is contrary to what was agreed upon. I demand that the bill be corrected. Thank you.


Never mind i think i understand its all about that there is afew days going with the old price and the rest of month going with the new price i tried to delete the question but i couldn’t .. thanx anyway  

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from Mobilfunk Rechnung to English o2 Community mobile.

Hi @chelsea88, welcome at our community. 😃

Thank you for writing here. I'm glad it cleared up like that.

If you have any questions, we're happy to help. 😊

Kind regards, Ines.

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