OK I am trying this once more. I recently discovered that my prepaid plan is not a flat rate plan. I signed up for it with Check 24. At that time, it was shown as being flat rate. I have never had any trouble until recently, when I had to make a lot of phone calls. Normally I only use Whats App.
I wish to change to a contract plan, but when I try that on mein O2, I see a message to dial 107 and use the app. I do not quite understand. My German skills are very poor, and google does not translate properly into English. I am going on a trip this weekend, and will need to make phone calls. I am afraid of running out of minutes. If I manage to change my plan now, will it disconnect me? Will I need a new SIM Card? Sorry, I am 74 years old and all of this is quite confusing to me. Any help, I would appreciate.
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This is not an answer to my question, but an addition to my question. I signed up for a change of plan. Supposedly again with allnet-flat, for 14,99€ a month. Once again it seems to show that calls cost 9cents a minute. Or perhaps I am not translating correctly. Also it is showing a different phone number. Under no circumstances do I want a different phone number. This would be a disaster for me at the present time. I will not pay extra to have it activated until all is correct. It also said I did not have enough credit. I have no idea what they mean. It is deducted by SEPA. I already added 20 euros a few days ago, yet it shows I only have 8,50€ guthaben . The money has already been transferred. I truly do not understand what is going on. I will not send money, when it is already deducted. This is very frustrating and confusing for a seventy four year old!
Hello @Kennybunk,
welcome to our o2 Community
With our prepaid cards, you can flexibly and easily book different tariff packages, with or without a flat rate. You can find an overview here: https://www.o2online.de/tarife/prepaid-tarife/
All of them, except the o2 prepaid 9 Ct. include a flat rate for telephoning in all German networks. Excluded are calls to special numbers and calls to and from abroad.
You are currently booked with o2 Prepaid S. At the same time, however, an older package (o2 My Prepaid S) is still running. Therefore, higher costs are incurred here.
I will now deactivate the o2 My Prepaid S, since it is practically double, and credit the fees of EUR 9.99. You will be informed about this again by text message.
You have also booked an o2 My Prepaid Data Package L. This can also be activated or deactivated individually online in Mein o2 or in the Mein o2 App.
Thanks, but I am still totally confused. When I check my Tarif, it says Loop, with 9cts per minute for calls and SMS. When I originally signed up, through Check 24, it said flat rate I am sure. I have been paying 9,99 for over a year now, and only recently did I receive a message that I must top it off, and I had no data left. I tried adding packages, and obviously messed the whole thing up. I am not sure just what I have going on right now. Sorry this 75 year old, gets confused easily. What I wanted was a flat rate plan, with 6 GB Data. So did I sign up for that, or only for a data plan. When I look at the login page, since it is totally in German, I get totally confused. Sorry to sound like an old fool.
Hey @Kennybunk,
If I see it correctly, my colleague has corrected everything. Currently, only Prepaid S is activated (with 6GB). All Net Flat is also included. Please chekout "Mein o2" and the FAQ my colleauge linked.
Greetings, Flo
OK, I really hate to keep having to do this. She said she changed my plan to prepaid S. Yet when I log in it still shows that I have the Loop plan with no minutes. Then tonight I was out, and my internet stopped working. I got an SMS message and It said I had no data left, and that I must purchase more. So tonight I looked at my 02 and this is what it showed. It makes no sense at all to me. I am attaching three screen shots. Can someone please explain what is going on. Also it says that the S Plan is good thru 28.5.23 so does this mean that even though I did not use 6GB. I no longer have them? If this cannot be solved I am looking for something elsewhere. This stuff just started happening this past month. I never had any problems in the last two years!
Evidently I can send only one screenshot at a time. So here is the second.
Edit Vilureef: Rufnummer aus Screenshot entfernt! 29.05.23/05:09
Edit by o2_Andrea: weitrere Rufnummer entfernt - Datenschutz
And this is the third that seems to show that I had 500mb and used it all. But I had 6GB so none of it makes any damned sense.
So do I have a loop plan still, then the S plan or what? I am totally baffled, as well as are German friends who have tried to help me with this. ( which is how I ended up with several data plans at once )
Hello @Kennybunk,
If your credit is sufficient, the my Prepaid S will be automatically extended today.
Best regards
That still does not answer my question. If I have Prepaid S, why then is it still showing the Loop plan with no flat minutes? Likewise what is the 500mb Bonus thing? Do I have three plans going?
Hello @Kennybunk ,
you are currently using the Prepaid S pack which very recently was prolonged for another month. Aside from that you have the App Bonus which is the 500 MB, that is just additional data volume that you can get monthly for using the App. o2 Loop is basically the foundation for Prepaid, if you had no packs like the Prepaid S active, then you’d automatically fall back to o2 Loop, which is why that is also being shown to you.
Kind regards, Sven
Thanks Sven, however my question has not been answered. I do not understand what is meant by the basic prepaid plan. I signed up for the prepaid flat rate S Plan, not simply a Data Plan. So why then is it still showing that I am charged .09 cents per minute for calls, and SMS messages? At this point it is somewhat a mute point, as I have signed on with another company with a contract, for two years which includes a flat rate for calls and sms, as well as 15 GB of Data. I still cannot understand how I used all my Data, as the only thing this senior citizen uses his phone for, is for whats app messages and that is about it. That should not use that much Data I was told.
I left out the fact that it is still showing I have NO DATA. That is even after a renewal, and unless I am connected to wi fi, I am unable to use the damned phone!
Dear @Kennybunk ,
at the moment the o2 Prepaid S is active (May 29th to Juni 25th), so we took a look and you don’t pay for SMS or calls to german networks at the moment (see quote below).
But in May you called several 01371 numbers. These numbers are with costs.
All of them, except the o2 prepaid 9 Ct. include a flat rate for telephoning in all German networks. Excluded are calls to special numbers and calls to and from abroad
Best regards
You are not throttled.
Have you already checked your network availability in the Live-Check ? There you can also report a fault yourself if there is not yet one and it should be necessary.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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