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Warum O2


I had sent my request for contract termination one month ago, and while I did get an email acknowledging receipt of my request, and that the contracts would be terminated soon, I have not yet received any sort of final invoice, neither the instructions on how or when to pay the early termination fee. Can someone please let me know what my next steps are, or what I should be doing so that there are no problems with the contract termination process?

Thank You.

Hi @amanmore ,


everything is set and almost done.

You can use your existing account to check your last biill online:

All that´s left is the deduction from your bank account, which should follow next week. The fee for the early termination is also already included (Einmalgebühren: Grundgebühren Restlaufzeit).

If any other questions come up, please let us know here :)

Best regards,

Hi @amanmore ,


everything is set and almost done.

You can use your existing account to check your last biill online:

All that´s left is the deduction from your bank account, which should follow next week. The fee for the early termination is also already included (Einmalgebühren: Grundgebühren Restlaufzeit).

If any other questions come up, please let us know here :)

Best regards,

Hello @o2_Kurt ,

Thanks for the quick response.

When I tried to go to that link, I was just met with this message:


Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.

Ihr O2 Team

As such, I am not able to see anything on my MeinO2 page. Is there any other way I can track the status of what is going on?

Thank You,

Aman More

Hi @amanmore ,


do you still have access to the “Mein o2”-App? If so, would you mind trying out the app?

You’re using your phone number as login name, correct? If you’re are using a different handle (mail or set username), please try out the phone number. Have you tried a different browser with the direct link to the Portal ( Login ( ).

If that does not work, we’ll open up an incident to let our tech department take a look at that error message.

Best regards,

Hello @o2_Kurt ,


Ah, the invoice for last month does appear to be visible in the mein O2 app. The website version is still giving me that message when I log in with the phone number, however.


Thank you,


Hello @amanmore,

okay, I hope that is sufficient for you? If not or if you have any further questions, please let us know 🙂

Best regards


Hello @o2_Kurt 

I wanted to check if the payment that was taken on the 19th was the final one, or if I should be waiting for one more charge, since it has now been over 2 weeks since your first message, and I have not yet been debited the amount equal to 3 months of my monthly bill due to the early cancellation. I am just waiting for the final settlement of the o2 account before closing my bank account, so any information would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Hello @amanmore ,

the bill from the 12th of May was the final one for your two contracts. If you’ve paid that one, you are in the clear.


Kind regards, Sven

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