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Warum O2

I ordered 2 iphone 16 pro max with contract by mistake i just wanted to order only one and then i have got 2 same emails from o2 of contract details.

please cancel one order before it delivers.



Moin Moin @Rohitjaat ,

read the 

Use the email for the widerruf.

If you want to cancel phone and contract than you have to cancel each:

  • Widerrufsbelehrung für Dienstleistungen = contract
  • Widerrufsbelehrung für Warenlieferungen = Hardware / Phone

Hello @Rohitjaat 🤗
I would like to welcome you to our community.
It's annoying that you ordered two devices by mistake, but it's no big deal.

Have you contacted us about what schluej informed you about? Has there been any progress for you?
Best regards

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