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Warum O2

Hello, I live in Givenbeck and it's four days that internet doesn't work. I have a O2 unlimited data and unlimited speed SIM card.

I sent many times the feedback about this issue .

I got this answer by text message:

"Lieber o2 Kunde,

auch nach intensiver Prüfung (Nr. S25385014) konnten wir keine technische Beeinträchtigung unseres Netzes feststellen. 
Ggf. gibt es andere Gründe für die von Ihnen festgestellten Einschränkungen.

Hilfreiche Tipps finden Sie unter:

Freundliche Grüße, Ihr o2 Team"


I don't understand what does that means ( to me, nothing at all) because when I check on my O2 app, what I got is this :




Is it a joke , right?

I got the text message only because it's Friday and until ( at least )Tuesday nobody cares, right?





My shitty internet connection , right now.

Even worst than before

Hi @Carminoski ,


there have been a few incidents and planed repairs in the area. Your reports could not be connected to those, hence the message “no error has been found”.

Most of the incidents are now closed. The LTE-base stations, however, are still suffering from a higher than usual workload, which will result in lowered speeds depending in the time of the day.

How is the situation in your area now? Have you noticed improvements?

Best regards,

Deine Antwort