Homespot connection is very slow (Download speed is 2Mbit/s instead of 50Mbit/s)
I made a 2 year contract for a Homespot connection at the end of April and my connection has been slow ever since. According to my contract, i should get 50MBit/s download speed but i get just 2MBit/s.
Suprisingly, the upload speed is perfect as per the contract set at 10MBit/s. Attaching a photo for reference.
I cannot work from home and my “teams calls” get disconnected so often that I feel it will surely cost me my job in the near future because of such poor internet connection.
I understand I have a contract so I just want to change my connection from a Homespot to a DSL. So basically just exchange the router. How can this be done?? The O2 shop I made a contract from just told me off and said that they cannot do it there.
Need urgent help !!
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile
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Hello @abs_321 thanks for your first post in our community, welcome . How is the connection now? Still the same? Have you tried to find another place for the homespot? Near to a window for example? Or is it working properly in the meantime?
kindly regards Michael
Hello @abs_321 ,
welcome to our Community!
I understand that you want to have a good connection for your workplace.
A normal tariff change from o2 my Home LTE/5G to o2 my Home DSL can not be offered usually, I am very sorry.
Best regards,
Hi Micha,
Thank you for your reply. The connection is still the same.
I get 2Mbps download speed. The router is placed near my window and I also did try putting it in other rooms of the house but I still get the same 2Mbps speed.
Hi Manuela,
Thank you for your message.
In the availability check, it shows that upto 250MBit\s is possible at my address.
Actually, the person staying in my place before me had a similar O2 connection of 50MBit\s plan although it was DSL connection. The speed was really good.
I guess this problem occurs in my area only for Homespot network since they work with a sim card. That is why I am requesting switching to a DSL connection.
I have signed up for 2years for 50MBit\s but I cannot really work with the current situaion with my connection. Kindly make an exception in my case as I just want the service I signed up for,
Please also find my network connection details for reference:
Hello @abs_321 ,
the speed was low from the very beginning?
Do you have a mobile tariff from us and how is the connection with that in your area?
For further information you can click on the little “i”:
If you really get permanently no good speed at all, a change to DSL can be checked. However, we cannot make promises.
Did you already used our Livecheck to report the low speed?
Best regards,
Hi Manuela,
→ The speed for the homespot was low from the beginning and I did call the helpline, but I was told that it will stabilize in a day or two.
→ I have a mobile tariff for o2. The connection is fine and i get the necessary 50Mbit/s speed on my mobile.
Please find a screenshot of the “Verfügbarkeitscheck” screen. Clcking on the “i” says the following:
“Detail-Information über die Verfügbarkeit
An der geprüften Adresse sind bis zu 100 MBit/s über HomeSpot 5G, 250 MBit/s über DSL möglich.”
On the livecheck, please find the screenshot below:
I understand you cannot promise anything but to be honest I am very frustrated with this situation. I cannot even make Microsoft teams or Whatsapp calls without the the calls being disconnected every 2-3 minutes. But, thank you for considering the switch to DSL. I sincerely hope this can be resolved soon.
Thanks and Regards,
Edit by o2_Manuela: personal data deleted
Hello @abs_321 ,
normally the 50 MBit/s should come through when your mobile tariff works fine.
Can you put the sim card from the HomeSpot in your smartphone and take a speedtest?
It would be interesting if you will get more speed. If this is the case maybe the router is defect and can be exchanged.
The performance issues on your adress could also be a reason for the low speed but you already said that the low speed was there from the very beginning.
So let´s see what speed the sim card from your router will have in your smartphone.
I am looking forward for your response!
Best regards,
Hi Manuela,
Thank you for your reply. :)
I did put the sim card from the router in my mobile. There was a slight improvement in the speed but not enough. I get about 6Mbit/s download speed. I tried to check the speed from the other rooms of the house too, but it remains around this number. Please see the screenshot as below.
I did read up on a similar issue on a different thread that this may happen because number of users in the are using mobile internet might be very high.
I am not an expert but I think this may be the issue as I live very next (30m) from the main railway station and there is always a rush here.
Thanks and Regards,
Hello @abs_321 ,
thank you very much for testing!
Hm the main railway station could be the trigger for the low performance.
I see that you already wrote a letter to us. I forwarded the letter to the responsible colleagues with the wish that you want to switch to DSL.
I cannot make promises but maybe the colleagues can switch your tariff. This will be checked.
You will get an answer from the responsible department.
Best regards,
Hi Manuela,
Aah, yes I had written a letter i guess in the 1st week of this month.Thank you for forwarding the letter.
I look forward to the response from them. :)
Hello @abs_321 ,
i hope the switch to DSL will be possible for you!
In the meantime you can look around in our community if you want to.
Feel free to write here again if you have further questions to your topic.
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