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Contract resignation or best price

I did write to your services about a contract resignation because the prices are too expensive a month ago. They suggest me to contact your services here.

How can I terminate the contract ? What is the process ? Is there any delay ?

It's been 6 years that I'm your customer maybe you could suggest me better prices ?

My customer number is 60XXXXX939

Thank you for feedback and help

Best Regards

o2_Tobias: Because of data-security-reasons I had to hide your customer number.
Hi @AfricaEU,

I regret that you like to cancel your contract.

If you decide to cancel your contract, please write a cancellation letter to the following address:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

or by fax: 01805 571 766

Do you still give us a chance to give you a good contract offer?

Please let me know if we can do something for you.

Loving greetings,

Well my contract end in January, hope it's gonna be alright.

I would like to keep my number do you think it is doable and how can I ?

Yes I definitely give you the chance to give me a good contract offer. What can you offer me ?

Best Regards

PS: Can I write the cancellation letter in English or should I do it in German ?
Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your reply.

You can also write a cancellation letter in English.

I am happy that you give us the chance to give you another offer.

How much data-volume do you need? Would you like to get a device as well?

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hi @AfricaEU,

until now, I did not receive any response from you.

Would you be so kind to reply to my questions? Otherwise I cannot give you an offer.

Thanks a lot.

Loving greetings,

Sorry I couldn't reply before.

So no I don't want to have any new device except if there is a special offer.

And I would love to be able to call on handy and house number, european call included in the contract so for free.

Am working with my phone so I need a good amount of data volume.

Thank you so much for your help.

Best Regards

PS: The data volume, if you could give me some differents suggestion with the price, please ?


Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your patience. I regret that you had to wait so long for a reply.

I am happy to give you a good offer. Are 10 GB sufficient for you? I can offer you the tariff "o2 Free M" with an allnet- ans sms-flatrate and 10 GB data volume for only 19,99 € for further 24 months.

If you like to have still more data volume, I can offer you the tariff "o2 Free M Boost" with an allnet- and sms-flatrate for 25,99 € for 24 months.

If you like to call from Germany to an European country, we offer additional International packs: 60 minutes for additional 4,99 € and 120 minutes for additional 9,99 €.

What do you think about these offers?

Further details about the tariffs you find here:

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hi @AfricaEU,

until now, I did not receive any response from you.

What do you think about my offer?

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hallo Tobias,

Your suggestion sounds good, I just have some little question, to be sure.

What would be the difference between my actual contract and the "o2 Free M" ?

Is the "o2 Free M" 10GB + sms + Call => Are the calls and sms unlimited to all provider in germany ? And this would be for 19,99€ ?

And I would have to add 9,99€ if I want to have 120mn to call to every europpean places ?

Is there any possibility with a 12 months contract ? Do I have to renew for 2 years ?


Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your response.

I am happy to answer your questions.

At the moment, you have the tariff "o2 Blue All-In M". This tariff includes an allnet- and sms-flatrate and 2 GB data volume.

The new tariff "o2 Free M" includes also an allnet- and sms-flatrate and 10 GB data volume. So instead of 2 GB you will have 10 GB data volume. This is a great benefit for you.

Additionally, you will have the possibility to use data traffic with 1 Mbit/s (without LTE) after having finished the 10 GB. This is our free-option (

Further, the tariff "o2 Free M" includes also the "connect-functionality". This means that you can use additional 2 multicards and 7 data-cards for free (

Even if you travel within the European countries, you can use your tariff just like in Germany. Further information you find here:

Yes, the allnet- and sms-flatrate is for all providers within Germany. The new tariff only costs 19,99 € for the next 24 months. There is no possibility to reduce the duration to 12 months.

If you like to have 120 minutes from Germany to any European countries, you pay additional 9,99 € per month. Further information about our International packs you get here: Just click on the button "Ins Ausland".

So, what do you think? Are you ready to prolong your contract with the tariff "o2 Free M"?

Just let me know your decision.

Loving greetings,

Hi Tobias,

Thank you so much for your informations.

I would definitely go for 24 months contract with the new prices and 10Gb included.

Just a little question

Is there any possibilitý to stop the contract any time without notice, with the new tarif?

If i agree to that, when the changes can be done ? How long does it take ?

Can I suscribe to the international packs anytime, i mean seperately ? I need to think about this option a little bit more.

Thank you so much

Hope to read you soon
Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your reply.

I will help you with your questions. You can end the contract always to the end of the 24-month-period if you cancel the contract three months in advance.

The only exception is if you completely leave Germany. Then we can end the contract also to an earlier date.

You can order the international pack at any time during your contract.

If you give me the "Go"for the extension of your contract, the tariff change will be within 48 hours and the 24 new months will begin at once.

What do you think about it? Shall I make the change into the tariff "o2 Free M" for 19,99 € for 24 months for you?

I look forward to your response.

Loving greetings,

Hi Tobias,

So except from the international option to subscribe to.

My contract will basically be the same that I have now with more data and less expensive right ?

If yes, GO for it Please

Best Regards

Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your patience.

Yes, you see this correctly: you get more data-volume (instead of 2 GB you have 10 GB available) and the tariff is cheaper for you (instead of 29,99 € you have a monthly fee of only 19,99 €).

As you agreed, I extended now your tariff for further 24 months. The tariff change into the tariff "o2 Free M" will be within the next 48 hours. You will get afterwards a confirmation by e-mail.

Thanks a lot for your trust.

Loving greetings,

Perfect. Thank you for your help
Oh I do have several phone numbers connected to my account that I would like to cancel or delete them, and only keep 017xxxx149 how can I do that ?

Could you help me with that too ?

Best Regards

Hello AfricaEU,

if you don't need any of your contract, you have to cancel them. Feel free to take a look at this article regarding the cancellation of contracts: :)

Best regards,

Hello Tobias,

hope tou are doing well. I was wondering why am I still paying the same price ?

Did I missed something ?

Could you help me please to activate my new contract and pay the 19,99€ I am suppose to pay ?

Thank you for your help.

Wish you a lovely day
Hi @AfricaEU,

nice to hear from you again.

I just checked your invoice. The discount of 10,00 € is valid, so that the basic fee for your tariff "o2 Free M" is 19,99 €.

But I saw that you ordered some iTunes. Additionally, you also sent some text messages to abroad (SMS).

Therefore, the end amount is higher than expected.

I hope you now understand better your invoice.

Loving greetings,

Hello Tobias,

I understand now.

So just to be sure if I am calling in France or sending message I'll have some fee in addition of my contract. Is that right ?

If I use whatsapp this fees should not be, is that right ?

Thank you very much for your precious help.

Wishing you a lovely day

Kind Regards

Hi @AfricaEU,

thanks for your request.

You have included in your tariff the option "Roaming Basic". This means that any connections from France to Germany are included, you do not pay an extra fee. Even SMS to Germany are included.

Further information concerning this option, you can see here:

Of course, you have also the possibility to send a WhatsApp-message from France to Germany for free.

But please be aware of the fact that any connections and SMS from Germany to any European country will be charged.

I hope I could help you with this information.

Loving greetings,

Hi @AfricaEU,

did we answer all of your questions?

Please feel free to contact us here in our English community if you still have any question.

Loving greetings,


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