Warum O2

Can I fix my UK O2 phone at German O2 shop?


I have an iphone that I purchased and paying off from UK o2. Unfortunelty, the iphone is broken and I can not make and recieve calls anymore. It is not an issue with a simcard and I tried everything, I was recommended to send the phone for repair.

I was wondering if I could just bring my phone to the local O2 shop in Bonn, where I live now? Or does it have to be send to UK? I am quite anxious about sending my phone such way.



3 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

o2 shops don't repair phones. Perhaps take it to an Apple Store? 

Ah good idea, I might try that.

Hello @Agaraspberry, welcome at our community. Nice to have you here.

It's really strange that the call function doesn't work anymore. Has your cell phone been repaired?

Kind regards, Ines.


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