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Warum O2

I have enabled to auto debit 10 euro every month on 8th of the month. On june 8th my amount was debited from my bank. But the debited amount was not shown in o2 credits or topups. I was not able to auto renew my plan because of this. Please help me in refunding the amount. i also have the transfer details with me


Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community

Hi @Sowmiya,


welcome to our community. :relaxed:


Did you enable auto debit for the phone number which is linked here in your community account or for another number? I’m just asking because for the linked number there were top-ups on the 1st of june and the 3rd of july.


Best regards,





Hello Michi,

Yes it is for the same number. The SEPA mandate that happened on 8th June is not reflected for some reason. My bank statement shows that the amount was debited. Is there by any chance a mistake in the update? On O2 credits is it because its showing the date i created the mandate instead of the direct debit date?

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