I have moved abroad and hence closed the connection on 28th Feb. I called customer care and they asked me to send email to impressum@cc.o2onine.de, info@o2.com to close the connection. I returned DSL on 28th Feb and sent email to above Ids.
But I have been charged for March & April. I have sent 4 emails to impressum@cc.o2onine.de, info@o2.com . Emails to impressum@cc.o2onine.de are bouncing and info@o2.com did not respond
@o2 customer care, Could you please close my connection and refund the amount charged for March & April? My details below:
XXXXXXXXXX - Phone number
Kundennummer - XXXXXXXXXX
Edit o2_Lars: Please never publish any personal information in a public forum. Moved from Mobilfunk/Tarife to English/Broadband