Hi, I'm Alicia Gómez Cuevas and my internet is not working. Today they came to install it but it won't. Just when I was going to call they sent me a message saying that they will come tomorrow between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
I don't understand why they sent it to me if they still couldn't know that the internet was not going. Because as far as I know they can install it in one day, it seems very strange to me that they need two.
But the thing is, I need to know the exact time (not “between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.”) because my boyfriend (who is the one who lives in germany) and he can't be home all day without going to work. Is there an email to contact them?
I don't know why but it gave me the feeling that the internet was not going to go today and I was not wrong. I am afraid that the internet will always go bad and that I will have to go to another company…
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL