Hello @Ainul ,
welcome to the o2 Community .
I assume you are using a HomeSpot connection or via LTE for your PS5? Usually the only way to influence the NAT type here is to set up your contract with a public IPv4 address. That does not guarantee a change but in most cases you end up with an open NAT Type afterwards. If you’d like us to activate the IP address for your contract do tell us, this does come with a one time activation fee of 49,99€.
Kind regards, Sven
Hello, @o2_Sven
I appreciate the reply.
Yes, I am using the HomeSpot connection. Also, I accept the 49,99€ fee. I would also like to note that before this, I have never had an issue with my PS5 at all for the past 2 years, up until recently, on 21st July, until now that I kept having NAT Type 3 (Failed) issue. I don’t understand what could cause this issue because all other devices have no issues such as my PC and phones. I have no issues on them for games and others, just my PS5.
Again, I accept the 49,99€ fee. The phone number is (888) at the end.
Kind regards, Ainul
Hi @Ainul
I have checked your contract, you are using a normal DSL Contract, so you don’t need to active a public IPv4 address.
I assume something other went wrong, that matches your point here
I have never had an issue with my PS5 at all for the past 2 years, up until recently, on 21st July, until now that I kept having NAT Type 3 (Failed) issue.
I don’t understand what could cause this issue because all other devices have no issues such as my PC and phones. I have no issues on them for games and others, just my PS5.
Did you change settings on your router or the network settings over all? Maybe a router reset to factory settings will get you the NAT Type 1 or 2 instead of NAT Type 3.
Best Regards Matze
Hi, @o2_Matze
In response to your question if I had changed any settings on my router; no I did not change any settings at all in my Fritzbox router. Hence, why I could not understand what could have caused this issue all of a sudden.
If I reset my router, will it automatically reconnect to my DSL Contract? I am concerned that it will cause problems where I wont have internet at all. Hopefully you would advice.
Best Regards, Ainul
Hi @Ainul
If I reset my router, will it automatically reconnect to my DSL Contract?
After a reset to factory default you have to set up the router again, only thing you need is your
“DSL Nutzername und Kennwort” you can find the info in the DSL Welcome letter we sent you via Mail when your orderd the contract.
Second Option: You can find all the necessary access data for setting up your router in the online customer center "Mein o2" at www.o2.de/mein-o2 .
Please select the menu item "Contract Management" in the "Tariffs & Options" area to get to the access data for your router
Best Regards Matze