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Warum O2
Hello, CINAo2XXXXXXXX ordered cable internet on 04/29/22 & have been trying to cancel the contract DAILY since 05/05/22. The English speaking team keeps saying they made the request on 05/05/22 but still nothing has changed. Then they say they will call me back and nothing so I have to keep calling. I keep getting SMS that my activation date is 5/23/22 and the router was even shipped. Can someone help??? It's driving me crazy, thank you!



I ordered cable internet on 04/29/22 & have been trying to cancel the contract DAILY since 05/05/22. The English speaking team keeps saying they made the request on 05/05/22 but still nothing has changed. Then they say they will call me back and nothing so I have to keep calling. I keep getting SMS that my activation date is 5/23/22 and the router was even shipped. Can someone help??? It's driving me crazy, thank you!



Edit o2_Giulia: personal data deleted

Did you send an email to That is where you should send a cancellation request. If not, send it today because if you ordered on 29/04 then you probably received a contract confirmation shortly afterwards and from then you only have 14 days to cancel.

Danke!Ja, ich habe diese E-Mail über dieses Forum gefunden und auch per E-Mail gesendet. Alle englischsprachigen Agenten haben nichts darüber erwähnt, ich habe so viel Zeit verschwendet! Alles, was ich tun wollte, war, den ursprünglichen Vertrag zu kündigen und ihn für eine bessere Geschwindigkeitsoption erneut zu platziere


Thank you!

Yes I found that email through this forum and also emailed. All the English speaking agents didn't mention anything about this I've wasted so much time!

All I wanted to do was cancel the initial contract and place it again for a better speed option

Hello @Annie1210 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

As far as I can see the cancellation has been successful and a confirmation has been sent to you yesterday. Have you received the documents pertaining to the confirmation?


Kind regards, Sven

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