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Warum O2
Hullo All,


I wish to change my WLAN password. I was told that it can be done by the router lobby by the following link

The problem is that this lobby has a password that I have forgotten. (It is not my date of birth).

 So now I cannot change my WLAN key.


I tried emailing the help service, but they did not understand my question exactly. Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

My Router is the Alice WLAN 4421

In the factory settings there is no password. If you dont know your password you have to set the box into the factory settings.


Therefor you have to press the reset pin at the rear side of the box (next to the USB link) for 6 seconds.




Thanks a lot! That worked well.


 P.S   For future reference, just remember guys you will have to reconfigure your Router as well when u           reset it. Which means inputting your original PIN ,username and password.
