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Warum O2
Hello, I'd like to cancel my DSL contact (already for 3 months) and my experiences is terrible.

I found this link for (as far as I understand) returning a DLS router.

I have "Seriennummer" as this is written on the router, but the portal asks for "Festnetz-Hauptrufnummer" and for "o2 Kundennummer" but none of those are in my contract / router / papers. They aren't in any email (I have read all of them) and I'm unable to send anything without those.

.. I tried to call also the hotline, but it keep asking me for some number as well and nothing works as I don't have this number.

.. I also tried to register on this website as a customer, but the registration also requires some kind of numbers I don't have, nor they are in my contract.

How can I resolve this, please? I'm lost already for several months.
Hello ondrek,

we have not received any cancellation from you. Please send it to

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

We have sent all your contract details, including customer number and landline number to your email adress on February 8th 2018. I will send the email again.

If you need any further help, please let us know.

Kind regards

Hello, I downloaded and sent it to

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Hello @ondrek,

we recieved your letter of cancelation, you should recieve more information or a confirmation soon.


Hello, you have received my letter of cancelation several months ago. How is, please, possible, you still invoice me? I just got an invoice for April — 48,59 euro (Mandats-Id T0010001B000006043916240).

I really hoped my contract is finally ended, but it isn't obviously. I'm trying to finish this already for half a year, because it was impossible to cancel the contract in person at one of yours branches.
Hi @ondrek,

your contract has been finished since March 1st 2019. The current invoice is about the pledge for the router. Did you return it correctly? Do you still have the proof of DHL with the shipping ID? Then we can do the research work for you.

KR Manga

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