Warum O2

O2 DSL is not working again

Benutzerebene 1

My O2 DSL is not working for the last 2 days.
I try with a different modem, with a different cable but it didn't work.

Can you please check my connection? So I can be sure the error is on your side or on modem side.

Thank you.

Lösung von schluej 14 August 2019, 18:53

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7 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5
@adsahin01 what kind model exactly you use?
Moin Moin,
you have to open a call.
The mods. can only help with an open call.
Call the number below, you should speak German or have some one who could speak German.
O2 DSL Telefon
0800 52 51 37 8 Kostenfrei
Rufe diese kostenfreie Service-Rufnummer bitte möglichst von deinem Mobiltelefon aus an, da zur Problembehebung u. U. der Router neu gestartet werden muss und dadurch Anrufe vom Festnetz unterbrochen werden.
Benutzerebene 1
I am using Fritzbox 7412.
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5
@adsahin01 what is the status from the Power/DSL Led?
Benutzerebene 1
For the first 30 seconds, 1 second On-1 second Off.
For second 30 seconds, consecutively 2 times on-1 second Off.
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5
@adsahin01 you must make a technical ticket like @schluej have write. You have no dsl signal.
Benutzerebene 1
Thank you very much for your helps.

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