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I turned on my Homespot after a few weeks of being out of town. I found out that some of the websites were not opening on any device using wifi. 
The websites working: Netflix, Youtube etc.
The websites not working: Slack, N26 banking, Paypal etc. 
Could someone help me out how to resolve this issue?

Edit by o2_Andrea: verschoben von English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL zu mobile

Moin Moin,

try the following.

Change the DNS server on your device to and

Restart after the change and try it again.

 Hi schluej,

I tried it, but still the problem persists. :(


What kind of error message do U get?

On my mac, the page wont open and displays the message the website not reachable. And on my phone, particular apps just say that there is an error in loading/ signing in. 
When i try the same webpages and mobile applications with my normal sim internet or other wifi networks, they work like a charm. 

Hi @baljotkhehra 

welcome to our community.  :slight_smile:

Can you change the SIM card from your mobile phone to Homespot to check if there is an error with the Homespot card or the device? If you crosscheck it and the error codes remain the same the router might be damaged.

Greetings and thanks to @schluej for your advice.


Thanks @schluej and @o2_Manga
I tried changing my other O2 sim from mobile to Homespot and still the problem remain the same. I guess the issue is with the Homebox itself. 
How do i proceed next ?


May you could try to reset your homespot? At the Bottom of the O² Homespot is a hole. You can put a paperclip in it and the box is restarting. :)

@dSkill Thanks for the insight, but i have already tried it. Didn’t work :(


I just checked the age of your homespot. Right now it is two years old and out of warranty. So you can send in the device for repair but you will have to pay for it. 

Did you check the firmware in your homespot if you have the newest version. Maybe the router was offline when we sent it in July 2021?


Hi @o2_Manga ,

How do i check the firmware for the newest version ?

Hi @baljotkhehra ,


you can check for new firmwarer via the Menu:

If new Firmware is available, the HomeSpot will let you know.

Which version do you have on yur HomeSpot?

Best regards,


Hi @o2_Kurt , 
where do i find this menu? 
Could you send me a link or something ? 

@o2_Kurt I have tried opening “” while being connected to my Homebox, but the link wont open. It is unreachable. 

Hi @baljotkhehra ,


the adress is or

If you can’t connect to these adresses, try checking your network information.

In there, you should be able to see the IP-Range you’re connected to, meaning: if DHCP does work correctly and the settings of the HomeSpot are unchanged, you should receive an internal IP-Adress starting with “192.168.1.”

You should also be able to see the Gateway Adress, which is the adress of the homespot. You can also send a ping voa the terminal to check if adress is available and reachable. Have you tried it via LAN?

Best regards,

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