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Warum O2

Hello dear Support,

I have a prepaid number in Aldi Talk. How can I migrate my number form Aldi to O2?

Thanks in advanced

Hello @Alejandro Luna 


welcome to our customer forum. :blush: It's great to hear from you. 


It is possible to transfer your telephone number to us. The current provider must release the phone number.


Once they have done that, you can order your phone number to be imported to o2.

The easiest way is via the Mein o2 App or the Mein o2 account, just choose "SIM verwalten" and look for "Rufnummernmitnahme / Zu o2".

In order to make the transfer work, please make sure that your personal data in your o2 account matches that at your previous provider exactly.


Kind regards



Hello, I have an Aldi talk and an O2. I have a 3 years contract on my o2 Simcard. I urgently need my ALDI talk number. If I port my aldi talk to o2, can I port my services like internet, free call, from my current o2 to the simcard came from ALDi?

Hello @Hamidgolbari thanks for your request.
If you are porting your number to your o2 contract, only the number will be ported. Your o2 contract will still be the same as before porting the number.


If I have two o2 numbers can I transfer my services between them?

Hi @Hamidgolbari what exactly do you want to do?
Normaly there is a tarif plan behind a mobile number. Which service do you want to change.

kindly regards

I have bought pocket  on my simcard. My phone just have a place of one simcard. All people have my ALdi talk number.  if I port my aldi to o2, can i transfer that pockets from the that o2 to this o2?


I have bought pocket  on my o2 simcard. My phone just have a place of one simcard. All people have my ALdi talk number.  if I port my aldi to o2, can i transfer that pockets from the that o2 to this o2?

Hello @Hamidgolbari,

thank you for your request in our community!

I am wondering what you mean with pockets?
Do you mean the tariffs and packs you can book?
If you want to buy a new prepaid card from o2, then you also have to book one of the o2 prepaid tariffs that are available. Your Aldi-Talk tariffs would therefore expire if you cancel the card.
A call number transfer is possible at any time free of charge.

Kind regards

I have three years contract  on my o2 simcard (like 40 GiG net, call, and etc) . My phone just have a place of one simcard. All people have my ALdi talk number.  if I port my aldi to o2, can i transfer that things (internet, …)  from the that o2 (which I have three years contract on ) to this o2 ( one which came from aldi)?

Hello @Hamidgolbari,

I'm really very sorry, but I can't quite understand your message. That's why I'm trying to work through this now.
You have:

  • one o2 runtime contract (not prepaid)
  • one phone - in that phone you use your Aldi Talk sim card

And you want:

  • port your Aldi Talk number on your o2 contract/ sim card

Is that correct?

I do not understand the following sentence:

can i transfer that things (internet, …)  from the that o2 (which I have three years contract on ) to this o2 ( one which came from aldi)?

So, do you want to make a new o2 contract and port your number? Or would you like to port your Aldi-Talk number to your existing o2 contract?

Both options would be possible, as follows:

  • Option 1: Porting your Aldi-Talk number to your existing o2 contract
    • That is of course possible, then you use an o2 contract with your number, which everyone has.
  • Option 2: Porting your Aldi-Talk number to a new o2 contract
    • When you sign a new contract, you end up with two term contracts. You would have to cancel the first one so that it ends and you don't have two. Your contract options such as data volume etc. cannot be transferred to another contract.

Kind regards

‌‌‌Thank you for being patient with me.

About a week ago, I ordered a iphone 13 with monthly 40 GiG internet from o2. The internet has been locked on the simcard that o2 sent. Now I want to transfer the internet  and other benefits on my Aldi simcard and put that simcard on my phone. Because every one has just my aldi number. How can i do that? If I port my aldi to o2 can i do that?

Hello @Hamidgolbari,

so you have a new contract with o2 and a new iPhone. When exactly did you order all this, when did your documents arrive by email?
If you no longer want to use the contract as it is, you must cancel it immediately! Otherwise, the contract runs for two years if you have concluded a fixed-term contract!
All information about how to do that you’ll find in our English FAQ: Revoke or cancel a mobile phone contract.

Just briefly for understanding: Data volume etc. from one contractual relationship cannot be transferred to another. A contract is concluded with a company and is valid until the contractually agreed end of the contract.

As already mentioned, you can of course port your Aldi-Ralk number to your new o2 contract free of charge. But this only concerns the phone number. All other options do not apply.

Kind regards

Hi,I dont want to cancel my contact. I have a question. Unfortunately you explain something which is not related to my concern.

I am writing my question again, Now I have 40 gig monthly internet on my o2. If I port my aldi card to the o2 can I have that internet on the ported number?

@Hamidgolbari : MNP (mobile number porting) means, that your Alditalk phone number only replaces your o2 Grow phone number. This does not change anything in your o2 Grow tariff. You only use your o2 SIM card and you no longer need the Alditalk card (the Alditalk card will be deactivated after porting)

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