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Warum O2


My wife uses prepaid Aldi Talk SIM. And we’d like to switch to O2 contract, as I’m already an O2 customer for the home internet.
Is it possible to transfer a number despite the fact that existing Aldi SIM is under my wife’s name, but O2 home internet contract is under mine?
Or is it possible to have O2 SIM activated for my wife’s name, but still having the O2 customer mobile tariff discount?

Best regards,

 Hi @yaav89 ,


thanks a lot for your interest! These are your options:

Once your wife has declared, that she want to transfer the number to another provider (the opt-in, which can be set using the form from the website), you can import the number once the new contract is active. For that, open the Meino2-App, select “Tarif & Optionen” and “Vertrags-Services” and choose the option “Rufnummernmitnahme”. Please make sure to enter your wifes data on the first page. The transfer should start a few days later, with the prepaid card being deactivated in the process

The discount you’d receive when ordering a second or third contract, the Kombi-Vorteil, does only apply when the contracts are set up under one name and one account. There is, however, this option: 
You can create up to three codes, which will discount new contracts for new customers by 50%. Please take a look at the page and the notes at the bottom, to see if your targeted tariff falls under the applicable tariffs. The transfer process is almost identical: Set up the “opt in” and use the app to transfer the number, this time without the need of changing the data 😊

Best regards,

Danke schön! The option with friends discount and then number porting looks like a perfect solution!

Best regards,

Hello @yaav89 ,

keep us informed how things work out with the porting, and of course contact us if you have any further questions.


Kind regards, Sven

Just to keep the topic updated:

1. I managed to order the new SIM card for my wife with the 50% discount code for friends:
2. My wife requested the phone number portability from Aldi talk (it was quite complicated, you have to find the well-hidden form on their website, fill it in and send via email):
3. We requested the number transfer in Mein O2 portal and it has just happened today.

Thank you for the support!

Thank you @yaav89 for posting the update. I am happy that it is solved in the meanwhile.

I wish you all the Best and perhaps we will read you again. We would be happy. 🙂


Best regards, Marco

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