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Warum O2

I ordered a phone this Saturday and I got my contract. However, I received an email stating that my order cannot be processed. Can someone please clarify this to me?


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

What exactly does the email say? Was the order rejected? In that case probably due to the result of the credit check.

It was only mentioned that they cannot process the order knowing that I received the confirmation email plus the contract from the agency where I placed my order. Therefore, I don’t know if I will get my order or not. 

Then you should contact the agency (?) you placed the order with.

Hi @Elkhansae ,


@bs0 was on the right track. The order was rejected, I’m afraid. That Information went out to you and the Shop (?).

We can’t tell you more about the reasons for the rejection. But if you’d like to know more about it, please get in touch with the department via letter, as described in the mail.

Here’s the adress:
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG,
90345 Nürnberg


Thanks for your replies, @bs0 !

Best regards,

Deine Antwort