Hello Everyone!
My existing contract, Mobile Boost L, is expiring on 19.05 (already applied for termination).
On 05.04, I ordered a new mobile phone with a new contract “o2 Doppelkartenaktion: 2x Mobile Unlimited on Demand” from Mediamarkt.
The deal is “59,98€ anstatt 119.98€ Gesamtpreis für beide Tarife” and there is no condition or term mentioning the necessity for an existing contract. It’s still available on the web page:
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra mit Vertrag | MediaMarkt Tarifwelt
Today, I have received an e-mail informing me that I will lose my Kombi-Vorteil of 50% due to my older contract being terminated.
I immediately started a chat with O2 and the agent told me due to my main contract being terminated, my “o2 Doppelkartenaktion: 2x Mobile Unlimited on Demand” will be 92 EUR instead of 59,98 EUR.
I tried to explain my situation several times and after asking another team and giving me a completely different answer each time, she finally confirmed that it was a mistake and I would still pay 59,98 EUR after 19.05.
The issue is that she was like she had no idea with my problem and even made me a new offer to extend my older contract to save some money!
Now, when I check the rates of my two Mobile Unlimited on Demands, one of them has “50% Rabatt auf die monatliche Grundgebühr” and the other one has “30 EUR Kombi-Vorteil” so it seems like I will lose the 30 EUR which is nonsense. I still have this warning in MeinO2 so I do not think the agent made any correction.
Is there anyone who has such an experience or is able to check my data?