Warum O2

Internet speed is very slow, even though signals are strong


Recently, I have purchased an O2 sim with tariff "Free Unlimited Max" but the speed is extremely low and it always ranges between 2 to 3 Mbps. However, on the website it says upto 500 Mbps and I am not expecting 500 but atleast it should give 50Mbps. Completly disappointed with it. Could you please help me with the problem?


With regards,



Lösung von o2_Kurt 10 August 2021, 18:32

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13 Antworten

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Hello @ManishSaini,

Welcome to the o2 community and thank you for your enquiry!
A quick question: has your issue perhaps already improved/been resolved in the last few days?
If not, I still have a few questions for you. Do you have the speed restrictions at a specific location? And have you already tried our live check to test the network at your location?
The first thing you can do is follow the tips you will find in our First Aid FAQ. If this is not helpful, I have also linked the FAQ for the live check and its results here.

Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions!

Kind regards
Jessica :nerd:

Hello Jessica,

No, speed has not improved at my home location in last few days. I have also tested with live check and speed test, results can be found below. 


With regards,


Hi @ManishSaini ,


have you tried using the SIM in a different location in your city in order to clarify if it’s location or contract based?

The Cells in your area also look fine on our side; no sign of overload or an different error is shown in the overview.

Figuring out if the error only appears while being connected to your cells or everywhere will help to narrow down the possible reasons for the error.


Best regards,


Hello Kurt,

Today I have tested the speed at my work and speed there is around 70Mbps and another thing that I noticed is that at my work the signal is showing 4g+, while at my home its 4g. Looks like it is due to bandwidth.


Hi @ManishSaini ,


thanks a lot for test!

Yes, it seems like it. Can you name recent test from home complete with date and time (not older than 2 days).

I’ll use that info to open up a case at our our Network Department in order to check the stations for potential errors and shortcomings.

Best reagrds,


Hello Kurt, 

Please find the latest test as requested below:


With Regards,


Hi @ManishSaini ,


thanks for the Screenshot!

I’ve let our network department know the details. They’ll contact you most likely via SMS if anything comes up :hugging:

Best regards,


Hello Kurt,


Thank you.

I will wait for their reply.


With regards,


Hello Jessica,

No, speed has not improved at my home location in last few days. I have also tested with live check and speed test, results can be found below. 


With regards,


You are lucky that you have 3.47mbits i have 0.6mbits 

Hello o2 community as we know problem with german people who dont even want to speak in english with you in shops. and if you call they also say nein . But anyway maybe you can help me with slow mobile internet problems ?i have unlimited plan and now changed to L boost 120gb but after changing plan my speed droped to 0.6mb or even slower i cant use internet so im using my other lithuanian card and its faster in germany that o2 fastest downloading speed anywhere :) . Strange. .. 

Hello @Glebas ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Have you looked at the LiveCheck for your address already? If we have already been informed about issues with the stations near you, then you’ll be able to see this here, else you can also open a report directly there by clicking on “Ich stimme nicht zu”.

As you are also using a lithuanian card as well, are you running both cards at the same time in a Dual-SIM model? In that case you can also test out chaning the slots the SIM cards are currently being used in, as the second slot often differs greatly in terms of performance to the primary one.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi again :) . So im using only one sim card at once i never use both. We tried in 3 diferent phones and the problem is we with my wife have no internet in whole rendsburg. I tried to test speed 20km from rendsburg i have maybe 10mbps then 70km from have 16mbps but at home i have now 0.15mbps so i cant understand this stuff with my LT card i have internet everywhere and all the time past 5years but with german card i have all the  time problem you drive somewhere its falls no service or 2g that again 4g i cant understand what is wrong with this provider maybe all providers have same problems need to try other provider. and that they promise you 50 or 300mbps its imposible. maybe need to sit down on tower to get this speed i dont know. So i can send 3diferent pictures with diferent areas and also diferent speed :) 

Hello @Glebas,

sorry to hear that your mobile intenet speed is so low. DFid you already follow the suggestion to have a look at our mobile live check? If there are any known issues around the address you enter, it will be shown there.



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