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Warum O2

Hi, I have a pre paid from O2 and I change my address in January and since then I’m trying to update in O2 and it’s impossible. I tried in the website and the app, both useless for help me (in the in the “Mein O2 —> Personalichen daten )

the message after I tried my new adress is: “Ihre Adresse wired nicht gefunden. Bitte wählen Sie eine aus der Liste”

So I noticed that has some problem in O2 database because a lot of buildings in my street doesn’t exist in O2 database. I went to an O2 store and the person who tried to change my address  recognized that are some problem with O2 and doesn’t provide me any solution.

I need to change the address otherwise my letters and purchases in O2 will not be possible to be delivered.

I hope a solution to this problem.


Hi @Jacqueiroz,

I would advise you to inform o2 of your address in writing. Then you have fulfilled your obligation. You can use the contact form:

Kind regards,

Welcome to the Community @Jacqueiroz.

Had you already sent us your new address via the contact form as Alex had said?
If so, has there already been a response?

Best regards


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