Continue: I went to the Mediamarkt and they say that they do not have any information in their system about the second contract, while O2 Customer service team told me that the second contract had been made in the Mediamarkt shop as well.
The first contract that I actually did was at 27th March and they do have it in their system, while the one that I'm not aware of was made 6th April.
Could you please recommend me what to do? Should I go to police and report a fraud case?
Hello @Gau-m-5Dec23, welcome at our community. Nice to have you here. 
It's really not nice that you're paying for contracts that you don't use or have taken out.
I am happy to have a look at this. Where did you see that the amount is charged twice? On your bank statement or invoice? Can you see the invoices for this?
As you talked to customer service in April 23, did they do seomething? You can do a contractual doubt→ Vertragsanzweiflung
Kind regards Ines.
Hello! Thank you for your reply!
I see it been debited from my bank statement, also I get invoice for that but when I go to my O2 personal cabinet following the link in the wrong contract invoice, I see only one contract there - the correct one.
I did not go to the customer service in April, only once - 27th March. The fake contract was made April 6th and it wasn't me.
Best regards, Gauhar
Today I have received invoice for 104 Euros for the customer number that I don't have. Someone is using my IBAN to make calls outside Germany and I am charged. When I go to my personal O2 account to check - I see only the contract that I have made. Could you, please, help me. I need to get this fraud solved.
Hey @Gau-m-5Dec23,
please send the coustomer number via pn to @o2_Support and write then here again please! I will look in to this.
Thanks you very much - I have sent the private message to the link you gave me
Hello! I have received an invoice of 150 euros today for the customer number that I'm not using and never signed up for. Please, help me to sort it out!
Hey @Gau-m-5Dec23,
I took a look at your data. I can currently see two active contracts there. Which tariff are you currently using?
Have you already carried out a contract rejection, as my colleague suggested?
Were you given any documents there?
Have you signed documents at Media Markt or had your contract amended? Were you given any documents there?
Hi! I have signed documents in Mediamarkt but for 1 contract only and I have papers for that. I have never had signed anything in addition to that.
I am happy to do contract rejection, but do not know how to do that. Could you please explain me the procedure?
I went to Mediamarkt, but they could not find the other contract in their books. So I do not know where to start
Thank you very much!
Hey @Gau-m-5Dec23,
Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about this, as the contract was arranged through Media Markt.
If you tell me which tariff you are currently using, I can open a ticket so that the technical department can take a look at your case. Unfortunately, that's all I can do.
Hi! Thanks you very much for your support! I went to Mediamarkt once again and they admit their mistake. For that, they issued a ticket #25177220. Nevertheless, I'm getting a new bill. Could you please advise, it possible to track the ticket implementation from your side?
Thanks you in advance, Gauhar
Hey @Gau-m-5Dec23,
It looks like it's a ticket that runs internally at Media Markt. I can't see anything about this in your data record at the moment.
When were you there?
Best regards,
Hey @Gau-m-5Dec23,
Have you received an update in the meantime? Can you keep us up to date?