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Warum O2

Hay O2 team,



I would like to port my current phone number 0176xxxxxx45 to another service provider. Can you kindly approve it or let me know if I need to do anything for it's approval. Thank you


Edit o2_Jessica: Call number made unrecognisable.



Hello @Kannz,

welcome to the community and thank you for your enquiry 😊

First of all, I would like to inform you that you are in a public forum. Therefore, it is important that you do not share personal information such as your phone number. Since there have been holidays since your original thread, I have only now been able to make your phone number unrecognisable. If we o2_moderators need more data from you, we will always bring you into the private messages for an exchange.
You can find all information about our forum guidelines here: Click.

Porting your number is possible at any time. If you only want to take your number with you at the end of the current term, your number does not have to be released. You can simply apply for porting with your new provider.
If you want to transfer your number from a current contract, you must first release it and then apply to your new provider for the transfer.

You can set a release of the phone number yourself in your My o2 area in the app or in the web browser.
You can apply for release under “Tarif & Sim” > “SIM & Vertrag” > “Rufnummermitnahme”. You will find the following options: “Zu o2” and “Zu einem anderen Anbieter”. In your case, the second one is the right one, as you want to transfer your number to another provider. You can then release your number there accordingly. 🙂

Kind regards
Jessica 🌷

Dear O2 team,

“You can set a release of the phone number yourself in your My o2 area in the app or in the web browser. You can apply for release under “Tarif & Sim” > “SIM & Vertrag” > “Rufnummermitnahme”. You will find the following options: “Zu o2” and “Zu einem anderen Anbieter”.”

This proves difficult, as any page I open redirects me to Please release my current number for porting. Thank you :)

Hello @ECaseStudy,

welcome to our o2 Community 😊

In order to have full online access to your contract data, you must be logged in with the relevant mobile phone number.
You are probably currently only registered with your email address here in the community. Please log out here and log in with your mobile phone number. If you have not yet registered it, you can do so here: Registration as a mobile customer.

You can then use all services, including the release of your phone number.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards


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