Hi @ptomka ,
actually every customer gets two SIM cards.
One main SIM card and one Multicard (same contract, same number, only a second SIM to your contract without extra costs).
Did you order a mobile phone with your tariff? We charge this separately from the tariff costs.
Best, Alina
Hi Alina,
Thanks for your reply.
No I didn't placed the order for a phone,just sim card and each month I am charged twice and I don't know why. Please let me know which info you need in order to check my query,I would really like to know what's an issue here and am I charged for?
Hi @ptomka
as i can see in the system you already had contact to our customer service by mail, are there any questions left?
As the colleague already told you, you have two contracts.
an o2 free L with the number - 036
and an o2 free Unlimited Max with the phone number -691.
Both were ordered on 03.04.2020 and on that day we sent you the order confirmations to your e-mail address.
Hi Alina
I am using just the phone number ending 2036,another one I never used -691 I even never unpacked the envelope with that number.
Can you please confirm if you are charging me on monthly basis for that contract,if so,I won't to cancel it right away as I never requested two contracts but one for the simcard.this was something I raised couple of times and I've never received a proper reply.
If I am charged for another card as well,please provide me with full phone number as I don't have it so I can request official cancelation.
Thanks for your help,
@ptomka How you make the contracts? Shop or Online?
When the first contract for LAN internet was ordered through check24,they realized the router can't be installed so I returned it back and I've got a phone call and got this contract offer with unlimited internet.
After2-3 days I received two cards on my home address instead of one,so could say that contract was managed online not shop.
Can you please cancel another phone number and contract I'm not using,I don't want to pay services I'm not using?
Or advise how this can be done.
@ptomka this can’t do o2. Check24 make the mistake (if the call was from Check24) and book you the two contracts. You have chance to cancel the contract up to 17.04.2020. (Widerruf) Now it’s to late. Sorry. 
What Did you pay every month for both contracts together?
P.S. I am only a customer like you and don’t an o2 employee.
No I called check 24 and they said this is through o2 directly and they are responsible for this.i need a cancelation because I don't want to pay second contract I never ordered and due to language barrier I couldn't find someone who understands properly the situation.i never understood why they sent two cards and operator didn't know to explain
Yes they charged me every month twice since April and I couldn't find anyone from o2 to discuss.
Thanks Joe,hopefully someone will get back to me soon
Hi Alina
Can you provide me with an update please?
Hello @ptomka ,
we´ve no new information I´m afraid.
Both contracts have been confirmed via mail, both mails include the different details, from the differnet tariff to the different order IDs.
That leaves us no ground for a cancellation, since you´ve been informed about the orders and the contracts.
I`m sorry, that I can´t tell you something positive regarding those contracts.
Viele Grüße,
Hi Kurt,
Can you please provide me with both full phone numbers for these two contract you're talking about and tarriffes?
Hi Kurt,
Can you please provide me with both full phone numbers for these two contract you're talking about and tarriffes?
Hi @ptomka ,
I´m a bit puzzled, you´ve received those details already via Mail on Monday, correct?
I can´t give you the numbers in full here. We could switch to personal messages if you have your personal identification code ready (die persönliche Kundenkennzahl).
Viele Grüße,
Hi Kurt,
Not sure what identification code is needed?
I received last three digits of both phone numbers,one I use i know but another one no idea because I never used it.I want to know so I can cancel it,no sense paying every month something I'm not using at all since beginning.
please send it to my personal email if possible.
Hi @ptomka ,
it´s already August, I got the months mixed up, sorry.
The Mail should have arrived on June, the 27th, the infos you´re looking for are included there.
The personal identififcation code, or the persönliche Kundenkennzahl, is a four-digit code created by you.
You must have chosen one when you created the contract.
Without that code we´re not allowed to communicate the numbers in full - neither via PN, nor via Mail.
If you don´t remember that code, just let us know - we´ll send send you a letter.
Viele Grüße,
Hi Kurt,
Since you wrote -691 are the ending digits for this phone number I'm not using,will it be enough if I go directly to o2 shop with an envelope with this simcard and leave it and sign the resignation from this contract?
Hi Kurt,
Since you wrote -691 are the ending digits for this phone number I'm not using,will it be enough if I go directly to o2 shop with an envelope with this simcard and leave it and sign the resignation from this contract?
Hey @ptomka ,
@o2_Alina wrote the other text, but no: just the last digits won´t be enough.
The SIM-ID (which is printed on the card) on the other hand will, just as well as the Order ID, which is included in the second Mail after the contract was booked.
If you mean a cancellation, then this would be sufficient in most cases.
The cancellation would be set to 2022, you´d still need to pay the contract until then.
Should I also send the letter with you personal identification code?
That´ll make conversations via hotline or mail a lot easier.
Viele Grüße,
Yes please send me personal identification code.
I don't understand,when I was signing,I was informed that notice period for resignation is 3months why would I pay till 2022?? This doesn't have sense at all,I don't want to pay services I'm not using,this is not alright at all. Almost 3 years paying additionally for not using,what is this?
Please clarify what is meant under this and let me know if cancelation of contract can be done by going to o2 shop directly?
Copying what Alina wrote previously,
"Actually every customer gets two SIM cards.
One main SIM card and one Multicard (same contract, same number, only a second SIM to your contract without extra costs)"
If you provide all customers with an extra card without additional costs,why were we not informed about being charged no matter if you use it or not?
I didn't give my consent or requested additionally "free card" which I'm paying without knowing why I'm being charged.
I sent several emails the same week when I received both cards asking why was it sent and no one gave me a proper explanation
Yes please send me personal identification code.
The code should arrive next week.
I don't understand,when I was signing,I was informed that notice period for resignation is 3months why would I pay till 2022??
That is where the language gets tricky:
First: Where did you get the information regarding 3 month?
After the contract with check24 didn´t work out, the contracts were made via phone, right?
Either way:
After making and receiving a contract via phone or mail, you have the right of withdrawal in the first 14 days. Widerrufsrecht, as it is called in german.
If you don´t use that right wihtin that timeframe, the contract go on for the next 2 years.
You can send in the cancellation early, of course, but the contract will continue and end 2 years after its creation.
In your case: 03.04.2022
Every contract made has to include a notice about your right of withdrawal, which yours did.
That is the reason the contract won´t get deactivated early, as mentioned by @Joe Doe .
Without the Widerruf, your withdrawal, withing that 2 week period, the contract it set.
This doesn't have sense at all,I don't want to pay services I'm not using,this is not alright at all. Almost 3 years paying additionally for not using,what is this?
2 years at most, if you cancel at least 3 month before the ending of the original period.
Please clarify what is meant under this and let me know if cancelation of contract can be done by going to o2 shop directly?
The shop can send in your cancellation, but cannot cancel the contract.
They are bound to the rules regarding the contract just as we are.
I would strongly recommend, that you sent in a letter explaining the whole situation, in which you also mention that you haven´t even touched the 2nd contract, and that you want you want to cancel it right away because of that.
Also try to add the mails to that mix, since you´ve tried to get in touch with us pretty early on.
Something that will not get unnoticed during the check, I would think.
I can´t give you a guarantee that this will work out the way you want it to, but that´s the shot in my opinion.
Viele Grüße,
Copying what Alina wrote previously,
"Actually every customer gets two SIM cards.
One main SIM card and one Multicard (same contract, same number, only a second SIM to your contract without extra costs)"
If you provide all customers with an extra card without additional costs,why were we not informed about being charged no matter if you use it or not?
I didn't give my consent or requested additionally "free card" which I'm paying without knowing why I'm being charged.
Alina was talking about Mutlicards, since it seems she thought you had one of those contracts.
She did not take a look at your data at that point, which you can see when reading her next comment.
I sent several emails the same week when I received both cards asking why was it sent and no one gave me a proper explanation
Right, I´ve mentioned those in my wall of text and earlier.
The last answer sent to you is the one where my co-worker has sent you the numbers and dates.
And yes: That conversation didn´t went well in regards of actually answering the questions.
Viele Grüße,
Hi Kurt,
Can you please send me an email address where I can send,attacht all these details?
In addition, where the cancelation letter should be sent and should I send the sim card back as well?
Thanks for your feedback,much appreciated.
Order was made via phone but would never request two sim cards,no sense for what. I find this whole situation very inconvenient and unfair,this sounds to me like a deceive. If I knew,would never sign a contract with o2.
Hi there!
You can send it via letter to:
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg
We don´t officialy offer mail support anymore, but since you´ve been in touch already: Just send it there as a reply as well, but please just as a duplicate to a real letter.
Please keep the SIM, you can throw it away afterwards and sending it with the letter really changes nothing.
I´m really sorry that I can only provide some information!
We´ll be here every day of the week, even though our replies may take a few days sometimes.
If you need more information, please let us know here.
For now, I´ll sign off and with that, I wish you a good night and a nice and relaxed sunday!
Viele Grüße,
Hi Kurt,.
I'm really thankful for your time,effort and patience with all my questions.
Hopefully this will be resolved in the best possible way.
Thank you for all information you provided me with,wish you a wonderful evening!