Warum O2


  • 15 November 2019
  • 6 Antworten
  • 349 Aufrufe

Hello i just want to ask how can i cancel my o2 free L Boost Online? I already avail the o2 free unlimited i just want to cancel my o2 free m boost online. Because i have aplied for Iphone 11 pro max 256 gb with 24 month without tarirf. But O2 canceled me. I am O2 customer and i am using from may 2019 and more 7 month . But O2 not respect me and canceled my offer. So that i want to cancel my tarif because i am liwing In wurzburg, i im working mini job and i have support from sozialamt. But o2 not aproved my offer. So that if O2 not respect their vertrag customer why i must pay the monthly fee. Thanks 


Lösung von o2_Tatjana 18 November 2019, 16:35

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6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7

Hey @Azikooo

welcome to the o2 community. Nice to have you here. :blush:

Do I get it right, that you got two contracts? The “o2 Free L Boost” and the “o2 unlimited”? So you want to cancel the “o2 Free L Boost” and also order an Apple iPhone 11? Is this right?

Kind regards, Tatjana

Hi. Now i am customer of O2 and i have “o2 Free L Boost” and i have aplied for aphone credit. But O2 rejected my wish. I think that i am customer of o2 and i am using this item 7 monat. If o2 not respect me why i must pay monthly fee. If o2 nicht resoected me and i will cancel for the contract. I am working and i have arbeit erlaubnis and can pay monthly fee. I dont know the reason of rejection.

Benutzerebene 7

Hey @Azikooo

I took a look to you costumer data. So I see you got today an email from us. 

We (moderators) even don´t now anything about the reasons why contracs are declined. If you want to get more infomation about it, you have to write a letter to the adress that is named in the email. 

I assure you the reason isn´t that we don´t respect you. The causes could be very different. 

Could I do something more for you?

Kind regards, Tatjana

It is diffixult to write in deutsch to o2 the adress is it possible by email? I cant understand what is the reason. I am vertarg customer and i am using 7 month. I an working. What i must do? I must reject of contract? What i must for cancel my o2 free l boost contract. I saw that o2 not repect their customer

Benutzerebene 7


I promise you we respect our costumers. 

So plase send us a letter to: 

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg

Do you may have a friend who could translate it?

Kind regards Tatjana

Benutzerebene 7

Hallo @Azikooo

 if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here in our English community. :blush:

Kind regards, Tatjana

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