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Warum O2

Hello, I have received my Wi-Fi and telephone contract but the activation date is in 4 months and I cannot wait that long without internet.. is there any chance to change the activation appointment date to be atleast by beginning of May like it was shown when I was ordering? If not can i cancel the contract because i cannot stay for 4 months without WiFi.. Thank you 

Hello @Isa19 ,


are we talking about the DSL or mobile contract?

If it is about the mobile contract:

Activations so far in the future are rather uncommen, have you ordered this contract in a shop with a planned porting of your number from your old provider?

We can switch to personal messages in order to activate the contract.


Please let us know if you want us to take this step so we can open the PN-channel for you.


Viele Grüße,




Thank you, I made the contract online

Hi @Isa19,


thanks for your reply.


In order to have a look into your data, I just have written a private message via @o2_Support to you.


Please reply there to my request.


Loving greetings,


Deine Antwort