Hi @Anand Gopalan,
welcome to our English community.
Nice that you like to continue your contract with o2.
We are happy to give you an offer for extension and we will check the possibility to reduce your contract to a data volume of 10 GB.
Would you like to order a new phone as well? Please have a look in our Hardware list .
We are looking forward to your reply.
Loving greetings,
Hello Mr. Tobias,
Thank you for the reply.
I would like to take up only a SIM contract since I already got hardware to use it with which I had taken up in my previous contract. Could you please provide information about the 10 GB plan which I can use with the current SIM and mobile number?
Thanks and Regards
Hi @Anand Gopalan,
I regret that you had to wait so long for a response.
I just checked everything for you. The 10 GB-plan (o2 Free S Boost Plus) is not possible in connection with a contract extension. The cheapest tariff that I can offer you is the tariff “o2 Free M Boost” with 40 GB data-volume. As the price is lower that your current plan, the change is only possible with a one-time tariff-change-fee. You just received an offer by e-mail from me.
Pursuant to the decree of transparency I need to inform you about our tariff leaflets which you can download here: http://g.o2.de/travo. There you'll find all details of the product listed.
What do you think about this offer? If you like to accept this offer, just press the button of the e-mail.
Loving greetings,
Dear @Anand Gopalan ,
have you already found some time to have a look at the offer of @o2_Tobias?
kind regards,
Dear @o2_Tobias @o2_Andrea ,
Thank you for your offer and reply. Sorry for the delay in response. Unfortunately, i will not be able to afford more than 20 Euros per month for my mobile. I am a student and the current situation makes it even worse to manage my expenses.
I request you to suggest a plan which would have a monthly contribution less than 20 euros.
Thanks and Regards
Dear @Anand Gopalan ,
@o2_Tobias gave you the best offer, which is currently possible. I cannot offer you a smaller rate. 
kind regards,