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Warum O2


First of all, thanks for this kind of service, I can see the effort put into answering questions here 🙂.

I applied for o2 Home M through o2 official website (my second active DSL connection from o2, this one in Berlin).
When asked, I selected `6th of December, 2021, 12 - 16h` as my Termin date.

However, this seems like a big timeframe (12 to 16, 4 hours). Not that this is a problem for me, but APL-Hausanschluss of my apartment is placed behind a locked door in the kellar, and the Hausverwalt company has the keys is not responsive to requests, and I am not sure if I can make one of their personnel wait for 4 hours with me. (seriously troublesome company, and all the neighbors avoid contacting them to not wreck their nerves)

Thus, I wonder if I can narrow down the timeframe, like between 12 to 13 h, or 15 to 16 h.
My o2 username is also `ulfet` without quotation marks, if that helps. I can share my o2 landline number if needed.

Best regards!


edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Router → English o2 Community : Broadband /DSL

The time frames are specified by the local line provider and cannot be reduced by o2. 
Normally, the room will be unlocked on one day and locked again on another day, so that no one has to wait on site. Alternatively, you might be able to borrow the keys, in which case no one has to come at all. 

In many cases, the DSL connection can be provided without a technician visit if you have provided all the necessary details correctly and in full when placing your order.
You will receive the exact provision date, including information on whether a technician visit is necessary, with the order confirmation. 

That is good information to know!

I received an e-mail with the following information:


Lieber o2 Kunde,

vielen Dank für Ihren o2 my Home-Auftrag mit der Auftragsnummer CINAo2B12XXX.

Sie können sich jederzeit unter (a link here, link1) den aktuellen Status zu Ihrem o2 my Home-Auftrag anschauen. Weitere Informationen rund um o2 my Home finden Sie online unter (another link here, link2). Ihr Auftrag befindet sich aktuell in Schritt 1: Eingang und Prüfung des Auftrages.

Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team


However, I could neither use link1 (redirects to o2 homepage)  nor link2 (redirects to a generic page) to look up on my order status. Seeing that some of the people’s order has been cancelled and they had a similar situation (, I am curious now as to if the same situation applies to me.

For that matter, I already have mein o2 app for another active DSL subscription of mine (from Aachen), and I cannot see any new information about my new connection (for Berlin).

Best regards,

Edit o2_Larissa: personal information removed for privacy reasons. Please note that our community is public and can be viewed by anyone

Hi @UlfetC ,


it seems that a lot has happened since your last post.

You should be able to check the status of the new contrat in “Mein o2”, most likely in the section “Meine Bestellungen”. There should also be an orange message stating that there is a new contract in the works.

Hopefully, the location of the APL won’t be problem this time. Please feel free to contact us here again if you have further questions.

Best regards,


Deine Antwort