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Warum O2

Hi, thank you in advance for reading this,


For example, if my contract is ending on the 30th of November, by when exactly should I return the router back to O2?


edit o2_Tobias: moved from router & internet to our English Community (DSL)

@323Robert4 After the contract end within 14 days. Please use for return the router the o2 retoue portal.

Don’t loose the DHL receipt.

Hi @323Robert4

welcome to our English Community. 

I regret that you cancelled your DSL-contract. May I ask you for the reason for that decision?

@Joe Doe was already so kind to give you the right answer. 

If you have any further questions, just feel free to contact us here. 


Loving greetings,


Hi @323Robert4

welcome to our English Community. 

I regret that you cancelled your DSL-contract. May I ask you for the reason for that decision?

@Joe Doe was already so kind to give you the right answer. 

If you have any further questions, just feel free to contact us here. 


Loving greetings,


Hey, I actually called the English customer support yesterday and the guy over the phone said the Internet will be cut after one week from the end of the contract, and then I should send the router back within ONE MONTH from the day the Internet stops. This is different from you two said, meaning that I have time to do this until one month and a week after the end of contract. Which is correct?

The exact contractual wording is:

Soweit der Kunde die Bereitstellung eines Routers beauftragt hat, wird dieser dem Kunden für die Dauer des Vertragsverhältnisses zu Verfügung gestellt und verbleibt im Eigentum des Anbieters.
...] Nach Vertragsende oder nach Überlassung entsprechender neuer Hardware sind die Geräte vom Kunden auf eigene Kosten an den Anbieter zurückzusenden.


According to the wording, no grace period is contractually agreed. In order to avoid the billing of compensation, you should return the router immediately after the end of the contract as contractually agreed. 

Hi @323Robert4 


I’d agree with @blablup . a month is usually the time after which the router is declared as “not returned” which will in turn trigger the mentioned blling.

The mentioned 2 weeks are well within the timeframe :hugging:

Best regards,

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