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Warum O2

On July 31st, I make a contract for “o2 my Home M”, right after I received two emails and nothing more since then. Where is my order? Is there any problem?

Furthermore, on 1st August, I received a “scam” email that I’m going to attach below.


Could you please let me know how is proceeding my order?

Vielen dank.

Mit schöne Grüße.

Gianni Pucillo.

Edit o2_Kurt 07.08.22 / 15:25 Uhr: Persönliche Daten und Mitarbeitername entfernt und verschoben zu Englisch


01/08 08:53
To: 'career

Guten Tag Herr Pucillo,


vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unseren Produkten.


Um Ihren Auftrag sentfernt] weiter bearbeiten zu können, teilen Sie uns bitte eine gültige EU Bankverbindung, die das SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren unterstützt, mit.


Die aktuell vorliegende Bankverbindung können wir zum Vertragsabschuss nicht nutzen.


Ohne die Information zu Ihrer Bankverbindung ist die Weiterbearbeitung Ihres Auftrages nicht möglich.


Sie erreichen uns per E-Mail unter


Bitte geben Sie in Ihrer Antwort die interne Bearbeitungsnummer oentfernt] an.


Bitte beachten Sie: Ohne die Zusendung Ihrer Unterlagen, muss aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen Ihre Bestellung nach vier Werktagen storniert werden.


Besuchen Sie uns in diesem Fall im Internet unter, um einen neuen Vertrag abzuschließen.


Freundliche Grüße




BONITAET | Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


Südwestpark 38  90449 Nürnberg |


Bitte finden Sie hier die handelsrechtlichen Pflichtangaben:



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@Mods bitte Bearbeitungsnummer editieren.

Hello @GianniPucillo and welcome to our community.

O2 is just asking you for bank details that fits the standards of EU-Bank-Transfers. You should have something like IBAN or stuff and this is what you should tell them.

Sorry for my bad english.


Hello @GianniPucillo It looks like they canceled your contract because you sended the wrong IBAN.  I would try to call or use live chat. 

Hello @GianniPucillo , 

welcome to our community! ✨

Our other users already explained everything correctly. 😊

After 4 days, the contract will be cancelled, if you dont send us a valid IBAN.

Have you already sent us a correct IBAN or booked a new tariff?


Best regards, 



Dear @o2_Manuela 

I talked on the phone with o2 support (I’ve been lucky because I found an italian speaking colleague). He told me that o2 doesn’t accepts banks account that aren’t from Germany. Could you confirm me this?

Still I haven’t received any order cancellation.

All my colleagues that have read the email from BONITAET, told me that in their opinion it was a scam. I thought (like my colleague) to wait those 4 days to receive the order cancellation, in order to prouve that email wasn’t a scam: as I told you above, still today I received no order cancellation.

I will be happy to solve this situation. Let me know, please, if you can have further information.

Many thanks and best regards to everybody.


No, o2 accepts accounts from any country that is part of the SEPA direct debit system as they are legally obliged to do. As the email says it has to be an EU account which supports SEPA direct debits Did you use an Italian IBAN that supports SEPA direct debits? This should be fine.

Why do you think the email was a scam? You obviously placed an order with o2 which the email from man o2 address directly refers to.

It is possible that the account itself was OK but the system rejected it because the number was not plausible (IBANs in each country have a certain format and length). Have you checked that the number you entered was correct? I don’t think you will receive any further emails if the order is cancelled automatically, so if you have not heard anything more you can assume it has been.

Dear @bs0 

Many thanks for your explanation. Because I like that offer, what are your suggestions? Should I replace the order? Or should I write first to BONITAET explaining the situation? Any other suggestion?

Many thanks and best regards.


I woud recommend replying to the email, explaining the situation and checking that the IBAN is valid. If you just order again with the same IBAN there is a good chance it will simply be rejected again automatically.


I will do it and then I will let you know.

Have a nice weekend.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

bs0 already explained it very well. 

bank accounts from the european union can be used. 😊

If you want to, I can take a look in the system, if the contract is cancelled. 

I just need some data from you. You will get a private message from o2_Support shortly.


Best regards, 



Hello @GianniPucillo , 

thank you for your private message. 😊

Your order is already cancelled so you can start a new order if you want to.👍

Let me know if I can assist you further. 


Best regards, 



Dear @o2_Manuela 

Vielen Danke for your help.

I just placed a new order: with the same parameters I gave you in private chat, you can check it if you want.

I looked at the IBAN code of my apartment owner: there are two digit less than the one I entered with the first order. This time I didn’t put those last two digits. Then I aspect no troubles this time. Will see tomorrow. Have a nice weekend.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

do you have an update for us? 😊

I am happy to read from you soon.


Best regards, 






Dear @o2_Manuela 

This morning I have been contacted by the same BONITAET email address, with an email that is far away to be thought as scam.

I gave them the datas they were requesting, and I hope there will be no other problems.

Thank you very much for monitoring the order status.

Best regards, Gianni.

Hello @GianniPucillo , 

you are very welcome! 

Good, that you already gave our colleagues the needed information.

Did you get new E-Mails from us in the meantime?

Can I support you?


Best regards, 


Hello @o2_Manuela 

vielen Danke.

Yesterday I received the order number. The goods will be sent soon.

Thanks again.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

that are good news! 😊

I am happy that everything goes it´s way now. 

Have fun with your new tariff, if you need further help, just ask😉


Best regards, 🌸


Hi again @o2_Manuela 

So far, no other news about my contract. Trying to go to link doens’t accept my order number that I received officially in an o2’s email.

Can you please tell me the situation?

Many thanks and best regards.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

sure, I will assist you. 😊

You will get a private message from o2_Support shortly.


Best regards, 


Dear @o2_Manuela 

sorry for my late reply.

While I was waiting communication from the company that delivers your products, as written in the order confirmation email, my neighbor received the package on my behalf and I have already got everything to work.

Now there is another question: I’m unable to confirm my email address. Before the following screenshot appears, I can salect to confirm by email or by SMS-code: in both case I got this screenshot. What can I do?

Many thanks and best regards. Gianni.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

before you can confirmate you e-mail-adress you need to register your tariff at Mein o2 first.

After that the confirmation should be possible. 😊

Let me know if everything works.☑️


Best regards, 🌺


Dear @o2_Manuela 

thank you for the info. Thanks to the address you suggested, I did the registration and confirmed my email.

Now everything is setup, I’m sure.

Thanks a lot.


Hello @GianniPucillo , 

very good, I am happy everything is working now! 🎉

You are very welcome! 😊

Have fun with your tariff and it will be awesome if you stay in our community.

We have interesting areas with exciting topics, for example our digital living room.


Best regards, 🌻


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