I had a technician appointment yesterday for new O2 connection with o2homebox6741. As the technician did not set up the router I tried doing personally. And in the o2.box setup the option is only German I therefore request you to make it english so that others people can use freely. So while doing setup it ask for password I put some password and it was not correct so i put again and while going to next, it started giving same page to enter old password
new password and
confirm password.
Now i just created account and had enter new password which old password should i give i do not know for that I went back and from that time the page vanish and I am not getting the page of setup where we need to enter the VOP PIN.
whenever I am going to o2.box in browser it is taking me to this page and it showing internet deaktive.

Kindly let me know how do i setup now. or how do I activate my internet. I am using my smartphone.
Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unsere Englisch Community