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Warum O2

Hello O2 community,


I have recently moved to a new place on the mountains. The O2 plan that I have now is o2 my Home M which has a simcard in it to provide internet. As there is low signal strength for O2 in my new place I want to change my plan to cable (o2 my Home XXL -Kabel) instead of sim card.


My current contract started on 04/27/2021 and is a 24 month contract. 

How can I upgrade my plan? Please let me know.



o2_Katja 12.08.2022 12:00 Verschoben aus DSL-Vertrag



o2_Antje @


Dear @Pratik 

a simple switch is not possible. Your homespot tariff will run until April 26th 2023, after which you can cancel it normally and sign a new cable contract so that you don't have to pay for both.
You can write to us and tell us that you don't have reception with your homespot tariff and that you would therefore like to cancel it and have a cable contract. The specialist department will then decide whether this is possible and whether you can be offered this. We can't decide that here.
However, I just saw that you have already signed a new cable contract on the hotline. However, I don't see a simultaneous cancellation for your homespot tariff. Please make sure that you don't have to pay for two contracts later!

Kind regards,


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