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Warum O2


I applied for a O2 my Home XXL Kabel Internet with 1.000mbps bandwith.

In the customer detail page it is said “Notwendiges Zubehör wird Ihnen an folgende Adresse geliefert.”

Am I gonna be able to get a tracking code for that shipment of the “Zubehör”?

It would be great if I could track the shipment.

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from Router,Software,Internet&Telefonie to English o2 Community Broadband&Landline

Hello @ercanbey ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

You’ll receive information about the shipping including the tracking number as soon as we have these from DHL. Generally hardware is sent out close to the date of activation, so if you only recently ordered the contract, it will probably be a bit before things are being shipped to you.


Kind regards, Sven

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