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cancellation of the contract


I have sent a letter for cancellation of my O2 DSL contract on 05-Aug-2019 to following address but I have not received any email from o2. I have tried to send the documents also by fax but your fax isn't working. I have left Germany and for my it's impossible to send the documents again.

Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

kundenbetreuung Nuremberg

90345 Nurmberg

How can I know that the letter was received? and O2 contract is cancelled.
Hello @Laura030319 and welcome to the o2 community,

i just found a mobile phone contract, no DSL contract.

Do you mean this one?


Yes, I mean that one. I'm a little bit confused with all the process.
Could someone help me please? I just posted another question and it was deleted because I was posted yesterday but I haven't had an answer yet. So what can I do if you don't answer and I cannot continue asking.
You need to be more patient. In a forum answers can take a few days.
Hello @Laura030319,

please send your phone number and your personal identification number (4 digits) in a private message to @o2_Support, so i can have a closer look.


I have already sent it.
Hello @Laura030319,

im happy that everything is fine now. ☺️

