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When do I cancel my contract to ensure I'm not charged early termination fees while providing enough notifce to not have an automatic extension?

My Ende Mindestvertragslaufzeit is on April 14th, 2023, and my spätester Kündigungstermin is on March 14th, 2023. 

I am on a 24 month contract that started on April 15th 2021. I would not like to renew this contract when it expires. Is it that I have  between March 14th and Aprtil 14th of 2023 to cancel? Otherwise, my contract is automatically renewed?

Why cant I postdate cancellation from now? And is mailing, calling, or doing it online more secure?



Wann muss ich meinen Vertrag kündigen, um sicherzustellen, dass mir keine Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung in Rechnung gestellt wird, und gleichzeitig so rechtzeitig Bescheid geben, dass sich der Vertrag nicht automatisch verlängert?

Meine Ende-Mindestvertragslaufzeit ist am 14. April 2023, und mein spätester Kündigungstermin ist am 14. März 2023. 

Ich habe einen 24-Monats-Vertrag, der am 15. April 2021 begonnen hat. Ich möchte diesen Vertrag nicht verlängern, wenn er ausläuft. Habe ich zwischen dem 14. März und dem 14. April 2023 Zeit zu kündigen? Andernfalls wird mein Vertrag automatisch verlängert?

Warum kann ich die Annullierung nicht von jetzt an nachdatieren? Und ist es sicherer, die Kündigung per Post, telefonisch oder online vorzunehmen?

Login in meino2, use the terminationbutton at any time now. 

contract will be terminated to end of the minimum period of 24 month.


but! A lot of people change their mind or the circumstances changes, but they forget the termination and starting crying here, 


„all out of sudden, my phone doesn’t work anymore…….“

You can terminate the contract now and the termination will be effective at the end if the 24 month minimum term. You can do it online or by post. Online is easier and just as secure as post.

I think what’s causing the confusion here is when I use Google Translate to translate the contract end dates, as I don’t understand the notion of a “latest termination date”, shouldnt it be “earliest”?  And if I can only cancel within 1 month of the min term, does that mean I’m fined for cancelling earlier? Because on the flip side, if I cancel with only 25 days before the end of the min contract term - I then haven’t given 30 days notice; what happens then? Also, my contract status says “ungekundigt”. what does that mean? Google translate says “not under notice”, but I am a bit confused. 

Okay thank you - but if I request cancellation from now,will I still be able to use my phone until the end of the contract? And how do I know I won’t be charged? Is the only way to post date the termination date? If so, what date should I choose? I’m just trying to avoid 

  • not being charged unnecessarily, and 
  • being able to use the phone until April 14th, 2023

Which option should I choose to ensure this online, for eample?



Just terminate to the next possible date, which you said is April 2023.  Of course you can still use the contract until then. Why do you think you would be charged extra?

Mobil contracts working like this:


period of minimum Period (in your case 24 month)

the termination has to be done 1 month before end of minimum period

since this year, if a contract is not terminated, it will get a new minimum period of 1 month.

your contract is a 24,1,1,1,1…… contract.

if you miss the LATEST date 14.3.2023 than your contract didn’t end on 14.4.2023,  next termination date  would be to 14.5 if you send notice up to 14.4.


if you quit now, contract still working up to 14.4.2023


Ahh okay, thank you. That makes sense - thank you both!! I’m just very wary of geing overcharged by phone companies.

I have one more issue - I isigned up for a 20Gb data boost option (not realizing that it was not a one month thing but also on a subscription basis). This end date is  12.08.2024. Will O2 let me cancel my contract for April 14th 2023, eveb though it’s before this boost option expires? I’ve already de-activated it; I imagine worst case they charge me 5 Eur /month x the months remaining for the boost at the end of my normal contract?

Yes, options end with the contract so you only have to pay until April.

allezz thank you so much!! Have a goood day and stay cool during this dreadful heatwave 😰

Hello @RootSquared , 

welcome to our community! ✨

It´s wonderful that you received so good help from bs0 and Denner (Thank you very much!💐)

If you need further help, don´t hesitate to ask. 😊

May I ask you why you want to cancel your contract?

Maybe we can find a solution, so that you can stay with us? 😊


Best regards, 


ooh it’s quite simple - I have moved to France so it just makes sense to switch to a French provider and contract

Hello @RootSquared,

that is just about the best reason to switch your provider 😄. Enjoy your time in France, and should you come back to Germany for a longer time, then we’d of course hope to be able to welcome you back to o2.


Kind regards, Sven

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