I have a Free L Boost package (120 GByte mobile traffic per month included), which I have been using for home-office in the last 3 months.
In the past 2 months I have consumed about 90-100 GByte per month.
Since this morning my internet connection has been extremely slow, to the point of being unusable.
I do not know if this is related, but I went on my online page and I was surprised to see that in the last 2 weeks a 116 Gbytes consumption has been registered. This is more than twice as much my past consumptions, and it does not seem justified, as I have not change my work routine. On top of that, in these past days I did not receive the usual sms which informs that 80% of the available traffic has been used.
Could you please provide any advice about these issues? Thank you very much in advance
Edit by o2_Andrea: verschoben von o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag und Tarife zu English o2 Community: Mobile