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Warum O2

Hello O2 Team,


My current Tarif is prepaid “O2 Loop Smart.”  I would like to change it to “O2 my Prepaid S.”

I try to change it on “Mein O2 App” on my mobile phone by clicking “Tarif wechseln,” but my desired Tarif does not appear (only “NEUER TARIF O2 Loop” is available to choose).

Instead, I can find this Tarif on “Angebote” page on App, and it seems that I can order it.


My questions are;

  1. If I order new SIM card for new Tarif on Mein O2 App, from when (or at which point) would new Tarif apply?
  2. Can I keep my current mobile phone number, after I change it to new Tarif?  If yes, how to process it and will it take some days to complete it?


Thank you in advance!




First you have to switch your basic tariff from o2 Loop Smart to o2 Loop. And then you can book the new packages o2 my Prepaid S/M or L.

You keep your phone number and your credit, but booked packages and other services in your current basic tariff are deleted immediately.


Thank you for your quick answer, I very much appreciate it!

So, once I book new package o2 my Prepaid S/M or L (after switching my current tariff to o2 Loop), is current phone number automatically linked with new package?  Or would it be done automatically once I receive new SIM card and put it into my phone? Or will I not receive new SIM card?

Thank you.




First you have to switch your basic tariff from o2 Loop Smart to o2 Loop. And then you can book the new packages o2 my Prepaid S/M or L.

You keep your phone number and your credit, but booked packages and other services in your current basic tariff are deleted immediately.




You don't need a new SIM card. You continue to use the SIM card in your phone. After changing your basic tariff in Mein o2 or on your cell phone with *107#, you can book the new packages immediately after confirmation and the change.

I understand! Thank you for your help!

Hi @eucalyptus ,

I’n happy to read that @tearsbeforecryings replies already answered your question. Have you managed to book the package accordingly?

Best regards,

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