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 I got o2 home spot unlimited data and 50mbps speed. Unfortunately from the beginning it doesn’t have such speed. Very slow average 2 -6mbps. Router shows good signal strength. If I reset the router it little bit increase the speed around 10-12 mbps but after few time it backs to slow. I called so many time o2 customer support but I didn’t get answer. Could you please give me contact email to write. If they don’t help I want to cancel this contract. Thanks plz help

Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @Vidu thila ,

first of all, my English knowledges are very poor, so please excuse any mistakes!

When you have a HomeSpot Tarrif, do you also have the HomeSpot Router? (Askey) Well, if yes first I´d like you to please, to enter the Routers Menu. Therefor use your favorit browser and enter:


Now please take a look at your 3G/LTE-Status and tell us the Cell-ID you find!

Then one can check, in which LTE-Radio-Mast your Router is logged in and one can decide to use e. g. Antennas! But: Do you live in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich or Cologne? Then probably your Radio-Tower ist overloaded.

Please check this site for other Internet Accesses:

At least:

Are you still inbetween the 14 days, where you can cancel the contract? Then better cancel as long as you don’t get further helping informations.





Hello Joachim,


i live in berlin, i bought homespot from april 2021. this is  Cell-ID   5246733. i don’t know its very slow. i tried to contact o2 so many time but it does not work, because they do not speak much english. actually i will cancel this contract if o2 can not fix this issue. it is now  almost 7 months but does not work.  because i need internet for my education. i get stuck in ms teams and i can not search and can not watch videos. always have to switch off and on. you can see screenshot which i checked internet speed with mein o2 app. thanks 


Hello @Vidu thila ,

okay, looks like as I supposed. Berlin! Totally overloaded Towers. I guess your contract dures 2 years, right? So you can’t cancel the contract by now, but what you dan do is to change from LTE to DSL/Cable-Connection, if at your homeplace available!

Please check this out here:


Of course it’s possible you get a person on hotline, who isn’t native english speaking. We are Krauts! ;)

So please report in this subforum:

Have a nice day :)


Hello Joachim,

Thank you for your information. Yes my contract for 2 years and according to the contract my internet speed also should be around 50mbps. So if o2 can not provide that service according to contract what should I do? Am I paying for your overloaded towers.  I’m sorry  Is it my fault overloaded towers ? When I was in  testing period it had good speed. 

If I need portable wifi and your suggesting to change into dsl/cable connection. I’m really disappointing. 

also I did so many times complains and sometimes I was waiting in a line around 30 minutes then they said will check and let me know. Still I didn’t get any solution.  

of course we don’t need native English speakers. I think  it’s common sense to understand the problem. 

yes I will submit the above complain subforum. And now your saying I should pay for your overloaded towers until end of the contract and it doesn’t matter whether I get internet or not ? Thank you 

Hello Joachim,

Thank you for your information. Yes my contract for 2 years and according to the contract my internet speed also should be around 50mbps. So if o2 can not provide that service according to contract what should I do? Am I paying for your overloaded towers.  I’m sorry  Is it my fault overloaded towers ? When I was in  testing period it had good speed. 

If I need portable wifi and your suggesting to change into dsl/cable connection. I’m really disappointing.

Hello @Vidu thila ,

I really understand you’re disapointed but you must not confound WiFi with LTE/5G. I asked you to show me your LTE/3G or only LTE - Status of your router and you sent me speedtests. All I could do was guessing.

If you had shown me that status I could have told you a bit more. Btw, noone assures you 50 Mbit/s over LTE! It is POSSIBLE to have such a quick internetconnection unless your next radiocell is stressed/overloaded.

It is always to prefer an internetconnection via VDSL/Cable because of more stability and usualy better speed. The only solution that comes in my mind is to test the router’s SIM in an 5G Handy and starting more speedtests. In Berlin 5G should be offered wide enough, depending where in Berlin you live. If you then get satisfying speeds (remember til 50 Mbit/s), you should buy a 5G-Router. But I only know the O2-5G-Router from Askey that allows you to connect a “normal” Telephone on it to make phonecalls.

If you already started a new thread in the subforum for English speaking customers I’d like you beg you to mark your answer here (NOT MINE as I couldn’t help) as solved, so noone else tries to give you a helping hand here and wastes time. ;)

Have a nice day :)


Please find the screenshot and is it what you have asked. And please let me more details. Yes it’s a 5g router. 


Hello @Vidu thila ,

you once again seem to confound WiFi and LTE/5G.

Step by step:

Values fo RSRP and RSRQ don’t look best and one must count with connectivity-problems, say slow speed. Here is your radio-tower:

If you wouldn’t live in Berlin I would have given you advice to use an antenna, but as specially Berlin is overcrowded it sure wouldn’t make sense.

Now: It ist not a 5G-Router! What you mean is the 5 GHz WiFi-Network of your router. This has nothing to do with 5G. Nevertheless thanks for showing the values of your mobile. But this wasn’t what I suggested to do. I asked you to take out the SIM-card off the router and to put it into your 5G-mobile. Now speedtests should be a bit better but even this is to be doubt.

Why? You must know that Berlin is the biggest town in Germany and has got over 3.5 Millions inhabitants. Now add further commuter (I hope this is right translated for for “Pendler”) and still even more tourists on and you easily get a value over 4 Million users. Divided by three ISP you guess how stressed Berlin’s radio cells are.

I only can suggest again to test the availability of more stable connections via VDSL or (better) cable!

I don’t know how long you will stay in Berlin, but as you signed a two years contract you won’t leave so soon, will you? So I can only suggest you change to a more stable connection as already mentioned. I’m sure O2 will do all to make you happy. On the other side you can still insist to cancel the contract but I think other ISP (Telekom, Vodafon) do have similar problems over LTE/5G. Your decision...

Have a nice day :)


hello Joachim,

Unfortunately i don`t have 5g mobile. but if i can not get speed as my package i want to cancel, because it is not worth for me. if i want to cancel whom shall i contact? could you please let me know email address to contact or please can you give me email address to fix this issue? 


I have a question, if you have such overloading problem why do you promote this option, I mean does entire berlin  have that overloading problem? or is it only for location where i live? I will check other internet provider also. thank you

We in Germany need to show an so called “Inpressum”. There you can find this eMail-Adress. I’m sorry you want to leave, because specially in Berlin I’m pretty sure O2 can offer other ways to connect you to internet. Of course you may test other providers for LTE/5G - connections but even then I’m pretty sure you will have got problems.

About the eMail-adress:

It is often said, that this mail-adress won’t be observed. That’s wrong. “This is not Nam, this is bowling, there are rules”

Okay, you wanna leave? Noone can persuade you.

Still I’m sorry you wanna leave.

Have a nice day :)


Hi @Vidu thila

welcome to our English Community. 

As @JoachimK. already stated, we regret that you want to leave o2. 

Please find here all information concerning a cancellation: 

If we can do anything for you, please let me know. 


Loving greetings,


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