Hi @Moe234,
welcome to our English Community.
Thanks for your message concerning the data-limits in EU-countries.
To tell you the truth, you answered your question already yourself.
As you signed up a contract with the fair-use-policy, you only have an unlimited data-volume within Germany. In the EU-countries, the fair-use-policy is valid which also means that you only have a certain data-limit. If you use more than the “normal” data-volume for several months, you will pay a certain fee. Of course, you will be informed about that in advance.
Just have a look into our pricelist on page 4 ff: pricelist - Fair Use Policy
This means that the regulations do not allow a permanent and excessive use of mobile internet in other European countries. Therefore, you have these data-limits.
I hope I could help you with this explanation.
Loving greetings,
Hi Tobias,
Yes I have pretty good idea of how fair-use-policy works, and I don’t think that’s the case here because:
1.) I never got a warning or a statement that I used more data roaming than “Normal”.
2.) I actually should not receive any kind of data roaming warnings because I spend way more data in Germany than in rest of the EU, for example in the month of November, I spent about 360GB of data in Germany and about 16GB of data in roaming, please tell me, how is this not fair?
3.) When I open o2 mobile app I see something called Data Roaming Basic (2018), I never sign up for this and I don’t see this has anything to do with the fair-use-policy
Fair or not, that can be discussed. The European Commission has introduced the limitation so that, for example, a cheap contract from another state should be used in an expensive state. The Fair Use Policy also means that a period of 4 months is considered to determine whether use in other EU countries outweighs use in the home country (here: Germany). The customer receives a corresponding SMS about 2 weeks in advance, before the fair use policy and the calculation take effect. When the contract was concluded, you were informed of the price list. And this regulation applies in all EU countries.
Kind regards
I just wrote why I personally think that fair use policy is not the case here, please read again three reason above, that simply can’t be the case and I must point out that I didn’t get any corresponding SMS 2 weeks in advance so it must be something else here..
And I'm quite familiar with 4 months period of consideration and I monitor my data statistics all the time
If we could just forget about fair of use policy and see if there could be another reason behind this problem
Much thanks
The Roaming Basic 2018 only states that you can use your calls, SMS and data within the EU as you would at home.( Roaming like at Home) The warning SMS only comes if you have exceeded the respective maximum data limit within a period of 4 months at a time. Before it is calculated, you have 2 weeks to prove that you are firmly attached to Germany. With your tariff you can use a little more than 35GB of data per month in the EU. Therefore, you shouldn't worry about it.
Understood, case closed thanks for the time and the explanation