Dear Community,
I have a problem with porting my mobilcom-debiltel number to o2 prepaid contract.
Well, I’ve applied to o2 with the option of porting my previous number like two weeks ago. Then received o2 sim-card in a couple days and activated it without an issue. During the process, I also applied mobilcom to terminate my prepaid contract and release my number and they confirmed.
I thought the process going as it supposed to be so far but then I received the SMS below from o2 couple days after my card activated and working.
Lieber o2 Kunde, die von Ihnen beantragte Rufnummernmitnahme kann erst bearbeitet werden, sobald Ihre SIM-Karte vollständig aktiviert ist. Bitte bestätigen Sie hierfür noch Ihre angegebenen Kundendaten über unser Legitimationsverfahren. Für weitere Rückfragen steht Ihnen unsere Kundenbetreuung gerne zur Verfügung. Ihr Service Team
Therefore, I thought something was wrong with the process and contacted WhatsApp support and after some conversation with bot , received that message, but no one contacted me on any channels until yesterday. I saw a mail from o2 in my post box. I got excited that maybe o2 wanted to contact me in an old-fashioned way and what did i see? A new sim card Well, I don’t know how it’s happened but i didn’t order any.
In Ordnung, du hast dich für +49176******** authentifiziert. Ich habe dein Anliegen an unseren Kundenservice weitergeleitet. Ein*e Service Mitarbeiter*in wird sich um dein Anliegen kümmern.
Anyway, as it’s not possible to contact support line in English, I wanted to write here. Hopefully, somebody could help / guide me with the issue. I can guess that prepaids could be less concerned contracts by operators but I and my wife are trying different operators before we decide to have a long termed contract with any and so far I can say that o2 is concerned me most.