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Warum O2

Dear Community,


I have a problem with porting my mobilcom-debiltel number to o2 prepaid contract.


Well, I’ve applied to o2 with the option of porting my previous number like two weeks ago. Then received o2 sim-card in a couple days and activated it without an issue. During the process, I also applied mobilcom to terminate my prepaid contract and release my number and they confirmed.


I thought the process going as it supposed to be so far but then I received the SMS below from o2 couple days after my card activated and working.

Lieber o2 Kunde, die von Ihnen beantragte Rufnummernmitnahme kann erst bearbeitet werden, sobald Ihre SIM-Karte vollständig aktiviert ist. Bitte bestätigen Sie hierfür noch Ihre angegebenen Kundendaten über unser Legitimationsverfahren. Für weitere Rückfragen steht Ihnen unsere Kundenbetreuung gerne zur Verfügung. Ihr Service Team

Therefore, I thought something was wrong with the process and contacted WhatsApp support and after some conversation with bot , received that message, but no one contacted me on any channels until yesterday. I saw a mail from o2 in my post box. I got excited that maybe o2 wanted to contact me in an old-fashioned way and what did i see? A new sim card 😀 Well, I don’t know how it’s happened but i didn’t order any.

In Ordnung, du hast dich für +49176******** authentifiziert. Ich habe dein Anliegen an unseren Kundenservice weitergeleitet. Ein*e Service Mitarbeiter*in wird sich um dein Anliegen kümmern.

Anyway, as it’s not possible to contact support line in English, I wanted to write here. Hopefully, somebody could help / guide me with the issue. I can guess that prepaids could be less concerned contracts by operators but I and my wife are trying different operators before we decide to have a long termed contract with any and so far I can say that o2 is concerned me most. 


Hello @gokors,

thank you for your enquiry with us in the community 😊

The message you received means that you first had to fully activate and legitimise your card.
Once this has been completed, you can order your number transfer yourself in your My o2 area. Have you already done this?

And about the second sim card: did you possibly order a replacement sim card by mistake?
We could switch to private messages, then you could give us the sim card number etc. and we'll have a look. Is that how you want to do it?

Kind regards
Jessica 🌷

Hi Jessica,

Yes, I activated my card SIM Card and started using couple days before that message. In the meantime , I also ordered number portability from my o2 app.

I’m fine with switching to Private Messages for details. 


Hi @gokors ,


let’s switch to personal messages 🙂 You should have received a messages from o2_Support, please take a look at your Inbox:


Best regards,

Dear @o2_Kurt ,

I replied personal messages but couldn’t get a reply.

Received a message the message below from o2 again yesterday and this time i filled out a form and send to this adress Mobitel told me that my contract will be cancelled by 9th May. It would be painful for me if my number isn’t ported by that date as i use it for 2FAs , VPNs at work.


Kindly need your assistance.


Lieber o2 Kunde, die von Ihnen beantragte Rufnummernmitnahme kann erst bearbeitet werden, sobald Ihre SIM-Karte vollständig aktiviert ist. Bitte bestätigen Sie hierfür noch Ihre angegebenen Kundendaten über unser Legitimationsverfahren. Für weitere Rückfragen steht Ihnen unsere Kundenbetreuung gerne zur Verfügung. Ihr Service Team

Hi @gokors ,


thanks for your messages! I’m happy to see that it worked out in the end. Thanks a lot for your patience and for sticking with us 😊

If you have further questions, please let us know here. Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,


Bei mir ist leider auf Auflösung von Ratenplan angekommen.  Ich bin fast seit 5 Jahren bei o2. Zum ersten Mal habe so was . Ich hab die Rechnungsabteilung kontrolliert leider war nicht erfolgreich.  Die stehende Summe ist schon abbezahlt.  Ich musste jetzt auf einen Brief warten der erst Mitte Juni kommt. Um 4 mal ratzahlung zu bekommen trotzdem kann ich das leider nicht bezahlen.  Wäre möglich dass ich irgendwie ratenplanung bekomme?

Vielen Dank im voraus 



Hi @Woli93 😊

maybe this is possible, but you need to call our billing department and our colleagues will take a look into it and decide if a payment plan is possible.


Best regards,


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