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Low bandwidth despite good signal

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29 Antworten

I will remember that, thank you :)

Benutzerebene 7

Dear @DarthMaul ,


there is no lie in the text you posted above. It clearly says up to 225 MBit/s there. Exactly like @Denner wrote it here already. That means that this is the maximum possible value that can be reached. In the mobile sector there is also no minimum value that has to be reached, as with DSL, because you can use the contract in the whole country. None of the German providers will deliver equally well everywhere in Germany. In one area, one is the leader, in another, another one. You may not like it, but this is the case. :confused:


Kind regards,


So since there is no minimum, you're covered for providing zero Internet for days. How convenient... Not only you're not the leader in my area, you completely disappeared since last week. I will send you a written request for cancellation of the contract. 

Hi @DarthMaul


and here we are at the concluding message of the following thread: https://hilfe.o2online.de/english-o2-community-mobile-43/my-internet-is-dead-since-yesterday-where-do-i-report-a-network-outage-548337


Therefore, I will close the topic here. 


Loving greetings,
