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I bought some data plans because the original one wasn’t enough for me to use. Now I don’t need to use that much data anymore, how can I cancel the additional data plans?


o2_Giulia, 11.08.2024, 17:59: verschoben von Mobilfunk zu Hause & HomeSpot zu English O₂ Community: Mobile

Hello @Sara184,

welcome to our o2 Community 😃

The easiest way to cancel the speed options is online: Tarife & Optionen. If you klick on the corresponding details there, just go to “Abmelden” to cancel it by the next possible date.

Alternatively you can also cancel them in the Mein o2 App under “Vertrag” and “Alle Optionen verwalten”.

Please let us know if it was successful or if you have any further questions

Best regards


ou can cancel the speed options in the customer portal, at tariff & SIM card under Internet and 5G options. Click on *Details* for the option you want to cancel and confirm the unsubscribe option.

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