Warum O2

Hello, I would like to use the mobile internet service in EU outside Germany

  • 26 May 2022
  • 1 Antwort
  • 61 Aufrufe

Currently, I am using prepaid Sim card and I will receive new Sim for my previous phone contract available until 03.2024. (Number: +49 176XXX)

I will visit Netherlands for certain period on this year and I would like to know if I could use mobile internet in EU with my previous phone contract number.


Please let me know if there are any available services for my needs.

Edit by o2_Larissa: Phone number anonymized, please note that you are writing here in a public forum and moved to “English o2 Community: Mobile”



Lösung von o2_Kurt 28 May 2022, 17:52

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1 Antwort

Hi @Seongjun Park ,


with the right option, you should be good to go! 

Please take a look at our site for more prepaid roaming information:

Prepaid im Ausland | o2 Freikarte (o2-freikarte.de)

Best regards,

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