2 month ago, I made extra contract in o2 store by fraud. But thankfully that contracts were cancelled by o2 support from here. However, the extra amount I paid last month is not properly refunded yet.
What I heard is : As few days had passed since I had extra contracts (also took few days to cancel them), the next month there may be extra amount charged by those extra contracts. But I will get full refund for those extra costs later.
So last month (which has bill for that extra contracts), I had to pay 111.08 euro, which is my regular contract + 2*(few days of using the extra contract +full price of entertainment pack). Means I paid about 70 euro extra from those contracts.
I was expecting to have discount of total ~70 euro for next few months (i.e. discounted full payment until I get ~70 euros back). But this month, my Rechnung doesn't contain any single discount for that. Just to be sure, I checked my bank account to see whether it was refunded before, but there was no refund also.
Can this be fixed?
If needed, I will post my pdf of Rechnung for better information
Best regards,
HyunJun Jung